Where did the intellectuals of this nation die? – 2024-04-02 15:19:03

by times news cr

2024-04-02 15:19:03

I’m crying madly…

Fuad Kahramanli

The recent news about violence should not only excite and anger us, but should also make us think. Where is this country going? Are we even slightly aware that the society we live in has suffered a terrible moral erosion, we have fallen into a void without moral values, social relations are bringing the instinctive characteristics of people to the fore as the main social norm, and the right of the strong to oppress the weak is gaining legitimacy? No, we don’t seem to be aware…

As a society, we are so intellectually sick that we can’t go far from watching sad events like criminal news, grasping them, and reacting with emotion and excitement. Where are the intellectuals of this country, why are they silent? The end of this society, which has become the agenda of a society living in social gangrene in front of our eyes, reacts emotionally and emotionally to news such as “he shot this, this killed him” and is unable to open a sensible, meaningful discussion about what is happening, does not look good at all. Why are the sociological, philosophical, psychological aspects of the problem not discussed, why are there no deep discussions on the whole essence of the national-spiritual decay? Where did the intellectuals of this country die, why did they become so barren from a moral and intellectual point of view, why did the difference between the attitude of an ordinary person and an intellectual disappear, and so much similarity arose? It’s as if everyone has joined the mass chorus, there are no clear, thinking, knowledgeable people in this mass scene. When will you intellectuals and intellectuals stop flattering and flattering and feel the pain, tragedy and concern of this unfortunate people? Why should only 5-10 politicians talk about everything?

We are stuck in a very deep quagmire. In the country, violence has already become a cult, a dominant culture, and the oppression of a group has become a social norm for the majority to remain silent in the face of the truth. In this country, where the culture of violence has become the dominant world view, the strong can crush the weak, everything that the strong can do is considered acceptable, the power is obeyed, it is always right, it is above not only laws, but even humanity. Therefore, everyone tries to climb the social ladder to power, does not hesitate to kick the heads of those below him, and the civil war of oppressors and the oppressed is going on throughout the country. While watching, one’s soul aches, black blood flows into it.

In this country, since the laws that we should limit power and make it a guarantor of justice have already become a tool for controlling, exploiting and whipping the oppressed right in the hands of the ruling class, ordinary people who are used to living in these conditions and are crushed and broken by the power, as much as possible, crush each other and be crushed by the state. they try to take out their shame and anger from people like themselves. The conditions arising in the political system are called social adaptation in the name of this wildness. In such environments, gangsters who rely on their power can be found everywhere, not only in the state apparatus. And thus, moral values ​​such as mercy, compassion, compassion, and human emotions become unnecessary, and the famous principle of “who is like” that Lenin said becomes the main code of social behavior.

On the one hand, lack of education, ignorance, merciless strife of individuals struggling for survival, on the other hand, violence, corruption, exploitation, inexhaustible greed for the state without any sense of legal and social responsibility, and, and, and… on the other hand, in the middle Social morals, order, moral values, which are thrown down and trampled under foot, suffer…
A mad cry goes through the heart of the person, like Grandpa Gorgud, I want to take a stick and open his hand and say, “What will happen to this nation, don’t be so cruel to it, don’t keep it alive in the vortex of disgrace”… But to whom?

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