Where I vote today: the electoral roll for the PASO 2023 elections

by time news

2023-08-13 05:05:00

He definitive standard of voters allows qualified citizens to know where to vote today, August 13, in the elections PASO (Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory), data that will surely be repeated for the general elections of October 22. In any case, it is advisable to revisit the pattern before each election day.

The consultation of the electoral roll has been enabled since July, and every citizen who is in the National Register of Voters you can search for accurate information from his place of voting to cover in the next rallies.

Elections 2023 in Argentina: Why is it important that you go to vote?

who want consult the electoral roll they must enter the official site provided by the CNE, and there enter the following data:

Subsequently, the system will return the name and address of the establishmenthe table number and the number of order that corresponds to each voter.

To vote, voters must appear in the 2023 registerMarcelo Manera – LA NACION

Citizens who do not appear on the register will not be able to cast their vote in the elections; Unfortunately, the possibility of correct errors or omissions existing expired on Monday July 24.

This is established in Article 27 of the National Electoral Codein this regard: “The voters that, for whatever reason, do not appear in the provisional registers or were erroneously noted will have the right to claim before the federal judge with electoral jurisdiction during a period of 15 calendar days from the publication”.

The new voters will be included in the definitive register who, by the date of the elections, will already be of the necessary age to vote. These are the adolescents who made the renewal of your ID at the age of 14and that they will be 16 and 17 years old at the time of the elections.

Those who do not attend the appointment electoral and cannot justify their absence before the Justice will be included in the National Registry of Violators of the Duty to Vote and may not be appointed to perform public functions or jobs for three years from the election. In addition, they have a MORE. In article 125 of the Electoral Code is available that the fine is between $50 y $500.

In the event that the offender does not pay it, he will not be able to carry out steps or procedures before the organisms national, provincial and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for one year.

If someone doesn’t vote I STEP THEM and figure in the electoral roll, have the right and obligation to vote in the general elections on October 22. However, you must justify your absence before the Electoral Secretariat that corresponds to you within 60 days after the election, so as not to be registered in the National Registry of Violators of the Duty to Vote.


Conocé The Trust Project
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