Where is the “elite panel of inquiry” into the Olympic and Paralympic Games launched by the LFI? – Independence

by time news

2024-09-10 19:20:00

On July 25, the day before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the parliamentary group of La France insoumise issued a press release to announce an establishment “Eminent commission of inquiry into the social, economic and ecological implications of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games”.

Denocing the consecration of “sports money” what the IOC will do and the effectiveness of “progressive policies of Emmanuel Macron”the rebel group promised to act “will make its decisions at the beginning of the parliamentary term, at the end of the process of hearings, meetings and site visits which will last throughout the summer, until the end of the Paralympic Games on September 8.”

While the games are widely recognized as a successful and exciting time, for making the events easy and the sporting success of the French athletes, some comments are thoughtful about the progress of this rebel Council. Among them, the former minister of Emmanuel Macron, Clément Beaune launched this look at X on August 4 in the middle of the Olympics: “With all this, we have no news from the LFI Paris 2024 Olympic “elite” committee of inquiry! We are waiting for the hearings of Teddy Riner and Léon Marchand, to understand this failure well.

Now that the deadline for the Paralympic Games, set by the LFI in its press release, is over, other comments, like the former designer Hubert Huertaswho often expresses his distaste for LFI on the social network “Where is the LFI commission of inquiry into the Olympic Games? Were the hearings productive and fruitful?

Auditions begin on August 27

Contacted by CheckNews, LFI MP Aurélie Trouvé, who presides over the famous commission of inquiry, indicated that the first hearings began on August 27 and they must be held again throughout the month of September. A “fifty speakers” should hear about the rebel elected officials. The report of the popular commission of inquiry should be submitted at the beginning of October, while the start of the parliamentary term is scheduled for October 1. The member for Seine-Saint-Denis argues that the launch of this special commission and its hearings are delayed by the release of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron decided on June 9.

Regarding his work, Aurélie Trouvé points out that eight main themes are divided among the nine rebel representatives. So he took the subject back “Budget and Economic Analysis”. His colleague Gabrielle Cathala, parliamentarian from Val-d’Oise, is responsible for the file on the role of profits in terms of public liberties. The lock “exclusion, poverty, gentrification, consequences on the lives of residents” to Maxime Laisney, deputy for Seine-et-Marne. Environmental effects are assigned to MP4 for Essonne, Claire Lejeune. Chosen in Haute-Garonne, François Piquemal, manages“Heritage of popular sport”. Results on work and work rights for Bérenger Cernon, elected representative from Essonne. The impact on access to culture and the cultural world goes to Sarah Legrain, MP for Paris. And finally, Léo Walter, former deputy for Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, and Jean-François Coulomme, deputy Savoie, are responsible for managing the file of “Lessons and requirements for the Olympic Games in France in 2030”since in six years the Winter Olympics will be held in the French Alps.

Around the war planning is planned

To date, Aurélie Trouvé indicated that six hearings have already been held on the themes of public liberties and work. Association representatives (La Quadrature du Net, Amnesty International, International Prison Observatory, Utopia 56), Union representatives (Judicial Union, French Lawyers Union, CGT du spectacle, CGT Seine-Saint-Denis, CNT Security / services d order) and Lawyers (Vincent Brengarth, Samy Djemaoun, Alexis Baudelin, Mohamed Jaite) and the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights were taken seriously in the National Assembly. These visitors are very much oriented to the left, because of their defense of public liberties and the protected population.

Ten hearings are already scheduled on the topics of the environment, economic effects and property of the Olympic Games, as well as the 2030 Winter Games. Anissa Benyoub (boxing), journalist, researcher who specialize in environmental change, economists, including “Two economists from CDES, responsible for the economic impact study of JOP 2024 carried out for COJOP”as well as union leaders. Aurélie Trouvé also confirms that “There are still many appointments to be made” at the end of September, “for example on hidden costs and financial transparency, and on the effects for Parisian artists and businessmen” or even on the theme of culture.

At this stage, the hearings have only begun, and should be until the end of September, the rebels have begun to share some of them on social networks. So on August 27, the opening day of the Paralympic Games, Gabrielle Cathala, an elected official from Val-d’Oise, shared the idea of ​​the tests she did and which she posted online in full on your YouTube channel. These records make it possible to explore the concerns of stakeholders regarding the use of facial recognition and biometric data during the Olympics, or the increase in countermeasures, such as house arrests or the abuse of immediate appearance.

Official parliamentary committee to be found

Questioned on Monday September 9 on French Information, the rebel deputy Eric Coquerel briefly mentioned the “unauthorized” committee that the LFI launched at the end of July, and announced “that is with the committee of cultural affairs in charge of the Olympics, we will launch either a mission or a committee of inquiry in the coming months – we must let things settle a little bit – on at least the questions of economic impact of the Olympic Games”.

Asked about this difference, Aurélie Trouvé confirmed that the rebel group will ask for a parliamentary investigation committee. “it works”. This “The real board of inquiry” which should be transpartisan can have many more rights: “Right now, I can’t get the relevant budget documents, or partnerships from the dictionaries, I’m not able to force this or the country to respond to us” , indicates the MP for Seine-Saint-Denis, who justifies the establishment of a prestigious commission of inquiry so that cases linked to the Olympic Games do not fall into public ignorance.

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