Where to find free financial education for girls and boys?

by time news

2023-04-24 03:23:20

What would be of you if from an early age you had learned methods to save effectively or that credits are not bad but you have to know things about them so that they do not affect your life? It sure would be different.

Financial education is necessary and urgent for Mexicans and now efforts are being made to develop these issues in young generations. For example, it is expected that in the next school year, personal finance topics will be included in the textbooks for basic education students.

While this is happening, you can currently find information, workshops, readings and games that promote financial education, personal finance for girls and boys for free. What you need is time, a computer or cell phone, and the Internet.

Advance education and financial inclusion

The level of financial inclusion in the country is advancing, but it is going slowly.

Today there are around 56.7 million people between the ages of 18 and 70 in possession of some formal financial product such as savings accounts, loans, insurance, Afore, but only 22.5 million prepare a family budget, and only 1.8 million individuals invest in the long term, according to the National Survey of Financial Inclusion 2021”, highlighted Juan Pablo Murillo, consultant in Financial Education and creator of the book Las Aventuras de Güerquito, which explains to children how to save and use money as a useful tool for life.

I explain that studies on financial literacy have made it clear that children acquire all their knowledge about money directly from the family, in the absence of formal programs in school.

“In educational centers you have the opportunity to create an effective financial culture, at the moment of greatest receptivity on the part of girls and boys. You can take advantage of previous knowledge, generated at home, but break the cycle of bad habits and foster a culture of saving for the long term”, commented Juan Pablo Murillo.

Fun and free financial education

If you want a minor person in your environment: daughters, sons, nephews, grandchildren, etc., to learn financial education, you are in the area you are in, you can access information that will help them learn financial concepts: planning, saving, credit, investments in a simple, didactic way and without paying a peso for it.

On various platforms there is the option to download books, games, on others you can play video games online.

Some of the options to access this information are the Condusef, the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) and Cetesdirecto.

Within the Condusef page there is the space: Children’s Site for Children where A Journey through the World of Finance is proposed, where you can access interactive stories, an explanation of the Mexican financial system, My ABC of finance, downloadable materials such as memory games, saving tips, dynamics and information on financial goals.

Banco de México has its Banxico Educa space, where girls and boys, young people and adults can find grounded, detailed and dynamic information on topics related to the financial system, monetary policy and personal finances.

In the section for girls and boys in Banxico Educa, information is detailed regarding what money is, there are activities and games about making banknotes, you can also download activity books for children to paint, set goals, carry out their savings plan learn how to save, among other activities.

The use of the material and downloading of this is free of charge, anyone can do it.

Another institution that promotes dynamics and spaces for the financial education of girls and boys on its website is the Cetesdirecto platform.

When entering the page, in the upper bar on the right side, the option of Cetesdirecto niños appears where, after entering, a series of information is broken down where the little ones can find stories, such as El Domingo; The candy trap; The urgency; It’s not enough for me. In addition, you can access various games.

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