Where to go? | Freedom

by time news

2023-08-13 20:07:32

Ilham Hussein

They do not hold an action in front of the Presidential Office with the slogan “Resignation”, nor do they organize a rally demanding “Freedom”. They are couriers and demand their rights. That is, their demand does not threaten the seat of power. But despite this, all kinds of protests in this country irritate the government, they do not forgive the oppressed to express their pain. They demanded “Die, but don’t make your voice heard”, “let’s steal your rights, but applaud us”. A person wants to be protected from a robber, a criminal, a villain. But in this country, the citizen tries to protect himself from the evil of state institutions. Slandering people has become a rule of thumb. The color, form, and mission of the state should not be like this. The state is responsible for protecting from evil, not evil.
After all, these young people do not want a share of the liberated territories of Karabakh, they want to earn bread by the sweat of their brows.
Gentlemen, how can you store so much hatred, so much cruelty, so much anger? You drive around in million dollar cars that you got illegally, let them drive their mopeds and earn their halal bread. They do not carry the country’s wealth offshore, they carry the order to the customer. Stay away from these young people. Stop the evil machine.
We often hear the question “Where should we go from this country?” Let’s not go anywhere, let’s come to our own, let’s own ourselves, let’s own our country.


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