Which brand of lozenge to cure sore throat, year 2022, carry it with you to relieve itchy throat, dissolve phlegm

by time news

sore throat lozenges Which brand of phlegm lozenges are good? Suitable for people with cough, itchy throat, choosing the right one can help relieve the symptoms on the spot.

Sore throat lozenges and cough lozenges are common home remedies that many people like to carry with them, especially duringcovid 19 or during the inclement weather that the flu asks for easily like this when coughing When does itching come on? I picked it up to relieve throat irritation immediately. However, there are many brands of lozenges for sore throats. So which one should we buy? Let’s see.

sore throat lozenges What properties can help?

sore throat lozenges or cough lozenges Has properties to temporarily relieve a sore throat. Helps moisten the throat, reduce itchy throat, cure both dry cough or cough with phlegm. (depending on the ingredients of each brand) by the drug in the lozenge for sore throat or cough lozenges There are many kinds, such as

  • An anesthetic to help relieve a sore throat sensation.

  • painkiller

  • cough suppressants, such as dextromethorphan (Dextromethorphan)

  • expectorant medications, such as Ambroxol

  • anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Disinfectant for cleaning the mouth and throat.

  • Various refrigerants such as menthol and eucalyptus Helps reduce the burning sensation in the throat temporarily.

  • Vitamin C

  • Herbs that have properties to cure sore throat Helps to moisten the throat and dissolve phlegm such as tamarind, gooseberry, etc.

In addition, most cough syrups contain sugar. Sweeteners instead of sugar, stevia, or flavored with various flavors such as plum, orange, lemon, honey, lemon, mint, caramel, to make them easier to eat.

sore throat lozenges Which one to buy?

If you want a sore throat lozenge How should you buy? Let’s take a look.

  • Buy a sore throat lozenge that has properties that meet your needs, such as cough, sore throat, or phlegm. If you want to relieve dry cough Look for dextromethorphan. (Dextromethorphan), which has dry cough properties. or if you want to relieve a cough with phlegm Should I choose Ambroxol?

  • Choose the flavor of the lozenge that you like. For example, if you like herbs, choose the original flavor, without flavoring, or if you want to ingest a pill that doesn’t contain Chinese medicine. complete herbal medicine Choose a plum flavor, caramel flavor, honey lemon flavor, orange flavor, etc.

  • Find out what types of sugars are included, such as real sugar, natural sugar, stevia, or sugar substitutes. or sugar-free especially people with diabetes or people who are afraid of tooth decay

  • Check whether there is a mixture of dichlorobenzyl alcohol or not, which has the effect of killing germs in the mouth. But when it is swallowed, it may irritate the palate of the mouth. Anyone who doesn’t like this flavor should choose a lozenge that doesn’t contain dichlorobenzyl alcohol.

  • Cough pills that contain antibiotics should not be bought. which is an antibacterial drug Because it can’t kill bacteria in the throat. therefore has no effect in the treatment of sore throat. does not heal faster In addition, if the cause of our sore throat is caused by a virus, such as the virus that causes COVID-19, these antibiotics are not effective against the virus either. It can also cause drug resistance problems again. Therefore, do not buy lozenges containing these antibiotics.

– Neomycin

– Bacitracin

– Tyrothricin

  • Check the expiration date of the medicine carefully.

  • Buy a cough syrup from a reputable store. Or it’s best to buy it at a pharmacy where a pharmacist is available for advice.

sore throat lozenges with caution

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

For those who are going to use lozenges for sore throats, cough lozenges, I want to keep these things in mind.

  • Use cough lozenges as directed by your pharmacist. or as stated on the drug label only Because taking large doses of cough lozenges can cause undesirable side effects such as drowsiness or the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. in people who already have peptic ulcers

  • If using lozenges to relieve sore throat and cough for 2-3 days in a row, but the symptoms do not improve The drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor or pharmacist for appropriate treatment. and to prevent an overdose as well

  • Young children should not use lozenges for sore throats and cough lozenges because of the risk of choking the tablets into the airways.

  • pregnant woman or women who are breastfeeding Do not use lozenges for a sore throat.

  • People with underlying medical conditions should always consult a doctor and pharmacist before using the drug.

  • If there is an allergic reaction to the drug What kind of food allergy? or have an illness Always let your doctor or pharmacist know beforehand.

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat? year 2022

1. Cough pill mixed with Makhampom Abhaibhubejhr

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Picture from : abhaishop.com

I believe that many people are familiar with each other’s faces. For Abhaibhubejhr cough syrup, there are 2 formulas to choose from, which are 1 orange sachet formula and 2 green sachets formula. It contains a mixture of various herbal cough medicines such as gooseberry fruit, licorice root, mango tree pulp and other medicinal ingredients. that has properties to relieve cough, expel phlegm, moisten the throat and is classified as a common home remedy. Can be easily purchased at general convenience stores.

  • How to use: Take 1-2 tablets at a time when symptoms are present.
  • normal price : 12 baht per pack (contains 40 tablets)

2. Mawaeng lozenges

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

photo credit: shopee

Maweng lozenge in a pack containing 20 tablets, easy to carry, has properties to help moisten the throat, cure cough, drive phlegm with a variety of herbal medicines in home herbal medicine recipes. There are 2 flavors of this brand, the original flavor and the plum flavor. You can buy them at general convenience stores.

  • How to use: Take 3-5 tablets at a time when coughing.
  • normal price : 12 baht per pack (contains 20 tablets)

3. Five centipede cough lozenges, herbal flavor

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Picture from: takabb.com

Traditional herbal lozenge that has been in Thailand for more than 80 years. This brand is a herbal lozenge in the home formula Even though the taste is bitter like Chinese herbs But it also helps relieve cough, dissolve phlegm and moisten the throat as well. There are 4 formulas to choose from: traditional herbal flavor, plum flavor, mint flavor and lemongrass flavor.

  • How to use: Take 2-4 tablets at a time when symptoms occur.
  • normal price : 20 baht per pack (contains 3 grams)

4. Overwhelming lozenges

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Photo credit: jd.co.th

Chinese medicine for sore throat A yellow box that many people can’t remember the name of. But it has received a lot of reviews in this industry. It is a traditional lozenge that contains both Thai and Chinese herbal cough remedies such as licorice, kikka, tea leaves, and mint. The taste is slightly fizzy, helping to cure cough, expel phlegm and moisten the throat.

  • How to use: Take 1 tablet at a time, 3-4 times a day, or suck when symptoms are present.
  • normal price : 45 baht per box (contains 20 tablets)

5. Ricola Original Herb Flavor

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Photo credit: ricola-cdn-ep.azureedge.net

Yellow sore throat candy is another brand that many people ask for. This box is not a sore throat lozenge from China. But it’s from Switzerland. In 1 small square pill, it contains 13 organic herbs such as peppermint, sage, thyme, etc. Sugar free. But with stevia and caramel flavor added to the flavor. Has properties to relieve throat irritation. helps to moisten the throat

  • How to use: Take 1 tablet at a time when symptoms occur.
  • normal price : 18 baht per pack (contains 7 tablets)

6. Propolis Mix, pellet type

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Picture from : propolizspray.com

Sore throat and cough lozenges from Standarddice Propolis. (Standardized Propolis Extract) or extract from the skin of honeycomb. which is a unique ingredient like no other This brand claims that it does not contain antibiotics. And dichlorobenzyl alcohol can be swallowed often without irritating the oral palate, does not burn the tongue, does not burn the throat, and is also sugar-free. But use xylitol sweetener instead. Most of the reviews of this brand of sore throat lozenges say that it’s easy to swallow and tastes good because it contains honey, ginger, and lemon.

  • How to use: Take 1 tablet at a time, every 2-3 hours, or when you have symptoms.
  • normal price : 30 baht per pack (contains 8 tablets)

7. Strepsils Orange Flavor + Vitamin C

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Photo credit: Strepsils TH Facebook page.

For those who like orange flavor and vitamin C may like Strepsils Orange Flavor Vitamin C H H R with a mixture of vitamin C 100 mg and various drugs, which have antiseptic properties. mouth and throat helps to moisten the throat The brand claims that it can relieve a sore throat for up to 2 hours.

  • How to use: Take 1 tablet at a time when symptoms are present or as advised by the pharmacist.
  • normal price : 37 baht per pack (contains 8 tablets)

8. Difflam​

Which brand of lozenges are good for sore throat?

Picture from : difflam.in.th

Difflam is another brand of lozenge that works to relieve a sore throat and kill germs in the mouth. This brand will have 3 flavors to choose from together. Whether it is honey mixed with lemon flavor Orange flavor with vitamin C and wild berry flavor However, it may be difficult to purchase. Because it is sold only at leading drugstores.

  • How to use: Allow to dissolve slowly, 1 tablet at a time, every 2-3 hours, or as directed by a pharmacist.
  • normal price : 30 baht per pack (contains 8 tablets)

Articles related to cough and sore throat remedies

Thank you for information and pictures from : abhaishop.com, haiherbinfo.com, takabb.com, jd.co.th, propolizspray.com, ricola-cdn-ep.azureedge.net, Facebook Strepsils TH, difflam.in.th. , Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University (1), (2)

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