Which brand of vitamin B is good? 2565 What does vitamin B include?

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Which brand of vitamin B complex is good 2022? Let’s see what vitamin B complex helps. Should we have to add it? How to choose?

Vitamin B Complex or Vitamin B Complex is an essential vitamin for the body. especially in working age An age that requires a lot of brain and a lot of body energy. until I feel exhausted, tired, not refreshed, not energetic, how much each day And if you’re looking for which B-complex vitamins are good in 2022, we’ve compiled them here. with the benefits of vitamin B complex And a trick to buy vitamin B complex as well.

What is a B-complex vitamin?

Vitamin B Complex or Vitamin B Complex is a combination ofB vitaminsDifferent types, including vitamin B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and vitamin B12, are classified as water-soluble vitamins. and does not accumulate in the body Because it will be excreted in the urine in the event that the amount exceeds the needs of the body.

B-complex vitamins are available in oral form (capsule, powder, effervescent tablets, jelly, and liquid form for children) and injectable formulations. Each brand contains 3 or more types of B vitamins, and some formulations may contain as much as 8 kinds

What does the B complex help with? What are the benefits?

Vitamin B complex

With the power of various vitamins that come together to form B-complex vitamins, many people wonder what the benefits of B-complex vitamins can help. So let’s read it together. We will separate the benefits of each vitamin as follows.

  • Vitamin B1 or Thiamine Stimulates the activity of nerve cells reduce beriberi Nourish the brain and heart Adults should be given at dosages of 1.1-1.2 mg/day.

  • Vitamin B2 or riboflavin Helps burn various nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats to be energy for the body. make the body grow and develop properly Helps to promote the nervous system, nourish the skin, nails, hair, maintain eye health. and prevent canker sores Adults should be given at dosages of 1.1-1.3 mg/day.

  • Vitamin B3 or Niacin Helps nourish the nervous system and brain reduce migraine pain reduce dizziness Helps nourish hair and nailshealthgood to stimulate blood circulation It also contributes to increasing good cholesterol (HDL) and reducing bad cholesterol (LDL). Adults should get 14-16 mg/day.

  • Vitamin B5 or Pentothenic Acid Help reduce bad fat in the blood, heal wounds, nourish hair, treat nerve endings from diabetes. It also helps reduce inflammation of the bones and joints. Adults should be given a dosage of 5 mg/day.

  • Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine It plays an important role in the synthesis of many neurotransmitters. Thus helping to nourish the memory, reduce the symptoms of forgetfulness, blur, reduce stress and anxiety. and also stimulates the immune system of the body Adults should be given at dosages of 1.3-1.7 mg/day.

  • Vitamin B7 also known as Biotin or Vitamin H It is a vitamin that serves to promote the body to use various substances better, such as bringing fat to form fatty acids. And helps to nourish nails, nourish hair, prevent hair loss. help maintain hair color help to lose weight and maintain the balance of glucose in the blood of diabetic patients Adults should be given 30 mg/day.

  • Vitamin B9 or folate or folic acid It plays an important role in stimulating the production of red blood cells. prevent anemia Helps maintain the health of pregnant mothers and babies For adults, 300 mcg/day should be taken.

  • Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin It is responsible for making red blood cells. Helps in the process of burning energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also plays an important role in the development and growth of the fetus. for the amount that the body should receive per day In adults it is 2.4 mg/day.

The benefits of the B-complex vitamins above come from the benefits of each B-vitamin itself. This time, let’s take a look at that. If you want to get all the benefits of the complete B-complex vitamin without deficiencies When is the best time to take vitamin B complex?

When do you take vitamin B complex?
How to eat to get the full benefit

Vitamin B complex

taking vitamin B complex Should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin. Therefore, it is well absorbed during the time that you have not eaten other foods or if you feel irritated to the stomach. You can take a B-complex vitamin during breakfast or after breakfast. Recommended in the morning because vitamin B complex has nerve stimulating properties. energize the body But taking B vitamins in the evening or before bed can make it difficult to sleep.

Vitamin B complex and precautions

B-complex vitamins are vitamins that the body can use to get rid of the rest. However, taking vitamin B complex has some precautions as follows:

  • If you eat too much, it can cause your urine to turn dark yellow. Darker stools and may have flatulence diarrhea as well

  • Dosage should not be adjusted on your own. And before taking vitamin B complex should consult a pharmacist every time. Because the needs of each person’s vitamin B complex are not the same.

  • Those who are allergic to vitamin B complex or components in vitamin B complex should be avoided

  • Children, pregnant women, lactating women Consult your doctor and pharmacist before use.

  • If you have a congenital disease or taking any medicine You should consult your doctor or pharmacist first. This is because the drug and the B complex may interact with each other.

B-complex vitamins, how to choose and buy

Vitamin B complex

Buying a B-complex vitamin There are considerations as follows:

  • Buy a B-complex vitamin that has the right amount of B vitamins that meet your needs. For example, if you want to nourish your skin, hair, and nails, you should choose a brand that has vitamin B7 (Biotin) higher than other B vitamins, or if you want to focus on nourishing your brain. to vitamin B12 (cobalamin), for example.

  • Choose vitamin B complex in the form that we are comfortable with and that is most convenient to eat.

  • Choose a standard B-complex vitamin. certified and buy from reputable sources

  • Read the labels and nutrition facts carefully to find out what you can get from a selected bottle of vitamin B complex.

  • Look carefully at the production and expiration dates.

  • Always buy with your pharmacist or as directed by your doctor.

And if anyone is looking for vitamin B complex 2022 but still don’t know which one to choose? We have to consider

Which brand of vitamin B complex is the best 2022?

Take a look at which vitamin B complex is good in 2022. Let’s see it together.

1. Vitamin B complex, the Government Pharmaceutical Organization

Vitamin B complex

Picture from : Government Pharmaceutical Organization

The Pharmacy Vitamin B complex in 1 tablet contains vitamin B1 (5 mg), vitamin B6 (2 mg), vitamin B2 (2 mg) and vitamin B3 (20 mg). B3 that helps nourish the nervous system and brain. Nourish the skin not to be shabby and help reduce bad fats in the blood Who wants the benefits of vitamin B complex as follows.

  • Size and how to use: Adults take 1-2 tablets daily, children take 1 tablet daily.
  • Approximate price : 150-160 baht (1,000 tablets)

2. Blackmore Multi B complex vitamins

Vitamin B complex

Photo credit: blackmores.co.th

The properties of this brand of vitamin B complex clearly indicate that Help nourish the nervous system, nourish the body and treat vitamin B deficiency. In 1 tablet contains vitamin B 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 and also contains folic acid. or vitamin B9, biotin or vitamin B7, including choline, bitartrate and inositol, which are substances similar to vitamin B This bottle is called a B-complex vitamin that actually serves a variety of B vitamins.

  • Size and how to use: Adults take 1 tablet daily with food. Children 6-12 years old, take as directed by a doctor or pharmacist.
  • Approximate price : 249 baht (60 tablets), 579 baht (120 tablets)

3. Vitamin B Complex DHC

Vitamin B complex

Picture from : konvy.com

Vitamin B complex brand DHC or the famous Japanese B complex. It comes in an easy-to-carry envelope. Each tablet contains a variety of B vitamins. Both vitamins B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12 along with inositol. Which is classified as a type of vitamin B. And on the side of the envelope, it states that it is a vitamin B complex that is suitable for nourishing the health of the skin, hair, eyes, and also contributes to the creation of collagen.

  • Size and how to use: Adults take 1-2 tablets daily with food.
  • normal price : 500 baht (120 tablets)

4. Alinamin EX Plus Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex

photo credit: alinamin

It is another interesting Japanese B-complex vitamin. In 1 tablet, it contains vitamin B1, 6, 12 and vitamin E that help increase blood flow to different parts of the body. Suitable for those who are physically weak. People who have numbness on the tip of the hands and feet due to vitamin B1 deficiency. The reviews of this brand say that it is a vitamin that is small, easy to swallow, and the smell is not very pungent. However, this brand of vitamin B complex can be used by people aged 15 years and over, under 15 years of age, do not use it.

  • Size and how to use: Adults (15 years and over): Take 1 tablet daily after meals.
  • Approximate price : 629 baht (60 tablets)

5. Vitamin B complex, Nat B

Vitamin B complex

Photo credit: megawecare.co.th

Mega We Care Vitamin B Complex, also known as Nat B complex, is packed full of ingredients. Because it is a high concentration of vitamin B50, consisting of vitamin B1, 2, 3, 6, calcium pantothenate, choline bitartrate, inositol in total 50 milligrams. It also contains vitamin B12, biotin (vitamin B7), 50 micrograms each, suitable for people with vitamin B deficiency. and replace the body’s need for vitamin B caused by stress, surgery and illness

  • Size and how to use: Take 1 capsule daily with food or as directed by your doctor.
  • Approximate price : 255 baht (40 capsules), 565 baht (100 capsules)

6. Vitamin B Complex Vistra B Complex PLUS Minerals

Vitamin B complex

photo credit: vistra

If you want more vitamins than the B complex. Let’s consider this brand. Because he has vitamin B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 along with choline, bitartrate, inositol, copper, manganese and zinc. Various bodies ever Plus, the review says that it’s a vitamin B complex that doesn’t smell very strong. easy to eat too

  • Size and how to use: Take 1 tablet daily with food or as directed by your doctor.
  • normal price : 250 baht (30 tablets)

7. Nutrilite Vitamin B Plus, the B complex of Amway.

Vitamin B complex

Photo credit: amway.co.th

Amway B Complex It comes in the form of two-layer coated tablets that provide eight types of B vitamins, namely, layer 1 contains vitamin B2 and vitamin B12, while layer 2 contains vitamin B1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9. Very much to those who want to give vitamin B complex to help restore tiredness, weakness, nourish the brain and nervous system. Including alleviating vitamin B deficiency.

  • Size and how to use: Take 1 tablet daily with food or as directed by your doctor.
  • normal price : 530 baht (60 tablets)

8. 21st Century Vitamin B Complex B-50 Complex

Vitamin B complex

Photo credit: 21stcenturyvitamins.com

Vitamin B Complex America. This jar is another brand of vitamin B 50 because in 1 tablet provides 50 mg of vitamin B1, 2, 3, 6 each, along with 400 mcg of folate, 50 mcg of vitamin B12 and biotin. It also provides extra calcium as well. Suitable for people who want to restore the body. Importantly, this brand is a prolong-release tablet, meaning it releases the drug slowly, keeping the drug level in the blood stable for a long time. therefore do not need to eat often

  • Size and how to use: Take 1 tablet daily with meals. or according to the advice of a doctor-pharmacist
  • Approximate price : 240-390 baht (60 tablets)

Who is looking for vitamin B complex to nourish the body? I recommend you to consult a pharmacist or doctor first. To know if we need to get vitamin B supplements or not. What B vitamins are they? And how much vitamin B supplementation should be taken to suit the needs of our body the most?

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►​ ​13 Signs You’re Deficient in Vitamin B1, Know It to Prevent Death

Photo credit and information from : Government Pharmaceutical Organization, blackmores.co.th, konvy.com, alinamin.co.th, megawecare.co.th, vistra.co.th, amway.co.th, 21stcenturyvitamins.com, Division of Medicine Bureau. Food and Drug Administration, Nutrition Division, Department of Health, Vibhavadi Hospital, RAMA Channel

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