Which home remedies can really help?

by time news

In summer we love open shoes and walking barefoot – especially if we have beautiful feet. Discolored and deformed toenails are not something you like to show off. But not only that: They can also indicate a nail fungus infection. Find out everything about the causes and symptoms of nail disease and 8 popular home remedies for preventing and treating nail fungus.

Nail fungus: what is it actually?

Nail fungus is an infection of the nails caused by fungi. These fungi can grow on nails and cause them to thicken, discolor, or deform. Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, can occur on toenails or fingernails. According to estimates, about 20 percent of the population suffer from nail fungus, mostly older people are affected.

This is how you prevent nail fungus while showering

Recognize nail fungus: These are typical symptoms

Nail fungus is more common on toenails than fingernails. Depending on the severity of the infection, the symptoms vary, typical signs of nail fungus are:

  • Dull nails: The nail loses its natural shine, the nail plate looks dull.
  • Thickened Nails: The nail becomes thicker and looks abnormally shaped. The thickening can cause the nail to detach from the nail bed.
  • Discolored nails: The nail shows whitish, yellowish, greenish or brownish discoloration.
  • Deformed nails: The nail gets irregular edges, curves up or down.
  • Brittle or brittle nails: The nail structure is no longer strong or splinteres easily, the nail breaks more easily or can even detach.
  • Pain in the nail: Nail fungus can cause pressure pain, especially in the end stage of nail fungus when the nail detaches from the nail bed.
There are ointments from the pharmacy that help against nail fungus – home remedies can support the effect of the treatment.© Odilon Dimier

Not all changes to the nail necessarily indicate nail fungus. There are other diseases with similar symptoms. If you notice signs of nail fungus, you should consult professionals such as podiatrists or specialized beauticians for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Nail fungus: these are the causes

Nail fungus is an infection caused by fungi, most commonly filamentous fungi, less commonly yeast or mold. They find optimal living conditions on the skin and nails in the often warm, damp spaces between the toes. The pathogens for nail fungus lurk everywhere, but with an intact immune system and healthy and dry skin and nails they have no chance of multiplying. They only spread under certain conditions:

  1. Humidity: Nail fungus prefers a humid environment, such as damp socks and shoes. This can promote the growth of fungi and promote the spread of nail fungus.
  2. Injury or trauma: Cracks, cuts, or damage to the nail allows fungal spores to colonize under the nail and can cause infection.
  3. Weak immune system: People who already have a weakened immune system have a higher risk of nail fungus. These include older people or people with diabetes or HIV/AIDS.
  4. Contact with infected surfaces: Nail fungus can spread through contact with soiled floors, carpets, and towels.
  5. Unhygienic Conditions: Sharing nail clippers or files encourages the spread of nail fungus, especially if the manicure accessories have not been properly cleaned or disinfected.
  6. Diseases: Various diseases such as diabetes, venous insufficiency, lymphatic damage, psoriasis or neurodermatitis can lead to inflamed and scaly nail changes and promote a fungal infection.

Pedicure for beautiful, healthy feet in summer

Nail fungus: These home remedies help with therapy

Treating nail fungus with home remedies can be an easy and inexpensive way to help treat an infection. There are a variety of home remedies that are good for treating nail fungus, such as tea tree oil, vinegar, garlic, and baking soda. However, not all home remedies are equally effective, and their medical effectiveness is often not proven. It is only possible to achieve an improvement with consistent use, which is why home remedies for nail fungus are usually used as an accompanying measure or as a precaution. For severe or advanced cases of nail fungus, medical advice should be sought in order to receive appropriate medical treatment.

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Tea tree oil for nail fungus

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a yeast infection. The tea tree oil is applied directly to the affected nail, such as with a cotton swab. Treat affected nails twice a day for several weeks to see improvement. Note, however, that tea tree oil can cause skin irritation in some people.

Baking soda or baking soda for nail fungus

While baking soda or baking soda has no anti-inflammatory or antifungal effects, it can dry out the fungus, helping to treat toenail fungus. To use, mix the powder and some water into a sticky mass that you apply to the affected areas and leave on for about 10 minutes. Then wash off the mass thoroughly. Incidentally, baking soda is recommended rather than baking powder, since pure baking soda contains no other ingredients.

Vinegar for nail fungus

Vinegar, especially the proven home remedy apple cider vinegar, destroys the alkaline environment preferred by nail fungus with its acidity and thus prevents the fungus from multiplying. Use vinegar with at least 5 percent acidity and mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio. The affected areas are then bathed in the vinegar-water mixture for 10 to 15 minutes. Be careful when using vinegar essence, the high acidity can cause skin irritation. For a foot bath, vinegar essence should be diluted with water at least 1:10. The treatment with vinegar must be carried out consistently over a longer period of time so that a new outbreak of fungus does not occur again.

Baths are beneficial in many respects - we reveal which home remedies you should use if you want to take a foot bath against nail fungus!
Baths are beneficial in many respects – we reveal which home remedies you should use if you want to take a foot bath against nail fungus!© Liliya Solopova

Treat nail fungus with oak bark

Oak bark is a tanning agent that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Boil 2 tablespoons of oak bark – you can get it in the pharmacy – for 10 minutes in half a liter of water. Then you pour the brew through a sieve into a bowl and soak the affected nail areas in it. Tip: With a dash of lemon juice in the brew you prevent the skin from discolouring.

Medicinal plants: sage, marigold blossoms & Co.

In herbal medicine, herbal teas or foot baths are recommended for the treatment of nail fungus. Sage leaves, calendula blossom, turmeric root, rosemary leaves or cinnamon can be used internally as a tea or externally as a foot soak. For a foot bath, boil about 2 tablespoons of the medicinal plants in half a liter of water, let the brew cool down and soak your feet in the bath for a while. Repeat the process regularly for a few weeks.

Lemon home remedy for toenail fungus

Just like vinegar, the acid in lemon can also help against nail fungus. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to the affected areas twice a day with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure for several weeks.

Treat nail fungus with garlic

Garlic contains the natural antibiotic allicin. It has an antimicrobial effect and can be used to treat nail fungus. To do this, halve a clove of garlic and rub it on the affected area of ​​skin. Then you let the allicin work for some time before you wash your feet thoroughly.

Own urine against nail fungus? D rather not!

Own urine is also often recommended as an effective home remedy for nail fungus, but experts advise against this treatment method: there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness and the urea concentration is too low.

Nail fungus often develops through contact with infected surfaces, such as in swimming pools.
Nail fungus often develops through contact with infected surfaces, such as in swimming pools.© IMAGO

Treatment of nail fungus

A nail fungus infection is not something to be trifled with, because if it is not treated properly, the fungal spores penetrate deeper and deeper into the nail. Home remedies have their limitations – and the effectiveness of many home remedies for toenail fungus has not been medically proven. In addition, home remedies can lead to undesirable side effects such as allergies, skin irritation or inflammation. Home remedies usually only have a superficial effect and are more suitable as an accompanying therapy to medical treatment. This is necessary to prevent the fungus from spreading further and causing worse symptoms. In a specialist practice, the nail fungus is examined in detail and a targeted therapy is started to completely eliminate the fungus.

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