Which one is better according to your fitness goals?

by time news

2023-07-20 13:27:15
High intensity interval training, better known as HIIT for its acronym in English, has gained special interest in training programs, both for performance and fitness.Other denominations that hide different SIT formats: Sprint Interval Training; RST: Repeated-Sprint Training; AIT: Aerobic Interval Training, among others.The fundamental difference between them is the duration and intensity of the intensive work intervals, despite the fact that there is no agreed universal definition of the term.It is an especially useful method to improve cardiovascular performance and also body composition, and other health markers in all populations, even those with pathologies.

In addition, among the most outstanding benefits is that it doesn’t take too much timeso it is very comfortable and effective for all those who do not have too much time every day to train.

In this article we see the differences between the HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training) y el SIT ( Sprint Interval Training)!

Table differences SIT vs HIIT

SIT HIITBreaksVery short: 10-30″ Short-Medium: from 30″ to 2′IntensityMaximum: ALL OUT (> 100% FCmax) Very High Intensity (> 95% FCmax)Work:Recovery Ratio5-7 times working time1:1, 1:2, 1:3VolumeLess than 12 repetitions/sessionBetween 12-20 repetitions/session (total high intensity work time about 15-20′)AimDevelopment of anaerobic capacity and maximum and neuromuscular powerDevelopment of maximum oxygen consumption and aerobic power.

What is SIT or Sprint Interval Training

Sprint interval training involves intense interval exercises that focus on raise your heart rate very quickly and “max out” every movement until you feel completely fatigued.

It consists of very short sprints, at maximum intensity, which is known as “ALL OUT”.

Unlike HIIT, in which the work intervals are longer, in SIT ATP resynthesis depends predominantly on oxygen-independent metabolism.

SIT training routine

In this case, and by definition, race sprints are performed but maximum intensity efforts can also be made with cycle ergometers (skierg, rowing, assault bike), which will allow reaching that maximum intensity, esfuerzo ALL OUT that with other types of exercises it is more difficult to achieve.

SIT workouts often “amp up” the exercises more than HIIT workouts and incorporate moves like jump squats to guarantee maximum effort.

A SIT workout can include exactly the same exercises as a HIIT workout, but the intensity of the SIT workout is higher and the rest periods are shorter.

What is HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT workouts often include short series of high intensity movements for the whole bodysuch as burpees, squats, and rock climbers, with short rest periods between each exercise.

It is the methodology of alternating high intensity work intervals with active or passive recovery intervals.

In this case, there are many possibilities in terms of intensity, recovery times and total volume of the session.

HIIT training routine

Regarding the selection of exercises, it is convenient to use those that mobilize large muscle groups, such as jumping, displacement or the use of cycle ergometers in order to facilitate the achieve a high intensity of perceived exertion.

The execution speed it can also be a variable that favors an increase in intensity.

Example of exercise sequence:

Squat Jumps.Push-ups.Climbers.Running- sprint.Burpees.Skaters.SkiergExercise bike.Rowing machine. If you want to delve deeper into HIIT visit this post.

Which one is the best for me?

The first thing we must determine is the starting point in terms of the level of fitness and initial physical conditionin order to be able to adjust the duration of the intervals and the intensity.

In any case, this type of training is intended to improve cardiovascular capacity and physical condition in general, so it is recommended include at least 1-2 times per week of this type of training.

for those people who are starting trainingthe ideal is to start by performing intervals between 1-2 minutes at a high intensity, not maximum, with the same recovery time, to adapt to this structure before moving on to the SIT, whose intensity is higher.

Regardless of the model you choose, you will be able to improve the function of the metabolism, improve your cardiovascular capacity and improve your physical condition in general.

Although a recent study has shown that SIT workouts offer slightly more results than HIIT in trained subjects, both are highly effective; although for the SIT they are more indicated for those who have a very good experience and level of physical condition.

Benefits of HIIT and SIT

It is necessary to highlight the great benefits that we found, based on scientific evidence, doubt this fractional intensity training structure.

Improvement of Cardiovascular Performance (Maximum Oxygen Consumption and anaerobic threshold): This makes it applicable to improve performance in many sports disciplines and, according to studies, very useful for different types of populations, both athletes and sedentary people (great adherence) or in patients with certain pathologies.Improvement of body composition: due to its efficiency in increasing energy expenditure also post-exercise (EPOC) and stimulation of aerobic metabolism.Improved Cardiovascular Endurance: HIIT helps improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity, resulting in increased stamina and the ability to perform high-intensity physical activities.Time saving: Due to the high intensity and efficiency of the training, benefits can be obtained in a shorter period of time compared to longer duration and low intensity training. But the most interesting thing is that this favors adherence to the exercise and the possibility of carrying out a quality training focused on time.Beneficial use in the treatment, control and prevention of certain cardiometabolic pathologies. Scientific evidence in recent years points to improvements in different health markers in subjects with both cardiovascular (heart failure; hypertension; coronary diseases) and metabolic (type II diabetes; obesity; metabolic syndrome) pathologies.

It is important to note that both HIIT and SIT, as they are very high-intensity workouts, due to their demand, it is highly recommended that they be scheduled and supervised by a physical exercise and health professional to adapt the intensity to the state and physical condition of each subject.

Supplements for high intensity training

We recommend that you do not miss the following products in your arsenal to get the most out of this type of training and optimize recovery:

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