Which one should I listen to?

by time news

2023-08-13 16:00:01

There is a ‘hierarchy’ when several signals coincide and their messages are contradictory, according to the DGT. What should we do at a red light if an agent gives way? What if two signs from the same group contradict each other, two different speed limits, for example? In this case, it will always be necessary to obey the most restrictive one.

For the organism, the order of priority between signals Start with law enforcement officers traffic managers. These regulate circulation in all kinds of circumstances, both day and night, based on specific needs and their orders must be immediately obeyed by all users.

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The second most important group of signals, after those of the agents, are circumstantial and beacon signals. Traffic lights follow. The light signals of the traffic lights can also be very varied: for pedestrians and for all vehicles or only for some types, fixed and flashing for a single lane…

Then the vertical signals. In different colors and shapes, they warn of dangers, establish obligations, priorities and passage restrictions and inform with lane indications, orientation or complete other signs with additional information. In sections of work they are used provisionally (often combined with circumstantial signs) and have a yellow background.

Finally, the road markings. Pavement signs also regulate traffic and warn and guide all users, drivers and pedestrians. Transversal, horizontal, continuous and discontinuous, they can go alone or accompany other types of signs (such as stop lines). They are usually white, although they can also come in other colors. In the sections of works they are painted yellow.


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