which parties have already nominated their candidates?

by time news

2023-12-02 08:13:13

The Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV) party is launching the campaign of its candidate for the 2024 European elections, Saturday December 2. Several parties have already chosen their heads of list, while the presidential camp, The Republicans and the Socialist Party should announce their choice at the start of the year.

► Marie Toussaint for Europe Ecology Les Verts

For the election which will take place in June 2024, EELV which will rename itself The ecologists next February, have chosen Marie Toussaint. In fourth position on Yannick Jadot’s list in 2019, who received 13.5% of the votes, the 36-year-old lawyer made herself known by launching the Case of the Century. This petition signed by 2.3 million citizens led to the condemnation of the French state in 2021 for climate inaction.

► Jordan Bardella for the National Rally

The president of National gathering (RN), Jordan Bardella, 28, will lead his party’s list in the European elections for the second time in a row. In 2019, he won 23.3% of the vote and 23 seats.

► Marion Maréchal for Reconquest!

Eric Zemmour’s party nominated Marine Le Pen’s niece, Marion Maréchal, aged 33, for the vote. Reconquest! will take part in the European elections for the first time, after having received 7% of the votes in the presidential election.

► Léon Deffontaines for the Communist Party

One of the youngest in the ballot, Léon Deffontaines, 27, was chosen by the Communist Party to represent him in the race for the European Parliament. Spokesperson for Fabien Roussel’s presidential campaign, he was head of the Young Communists from 2019 to 2022.

► Nathalie Arthaud for Lutte Ouvrière

The leader of Workers’ struggle (LO), Nathalie Arthaud, 53, announced in October that she would be head of the list for the European elections for the fourth time. In 2019, his list won 0.78% of the votes.

► Nicolas Dupont-Aignan for Debout la France

The deputy for Essonne Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, 62, will again be a candidate for the list of his nationalist right party, Stand up France. In 2019, the supporter of leaving the Schengen area obtained 3.51% of the vote and thus did not win a seat in the European Parliament.

► Uncertainties for Les Républicains, Renaissance, the PS and LFI

Several major parties are still waiting before revealing their list for the next European election. At the house of The Republicans, MEP François-Xavier Bellamy or former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier could be chosen.

Within the majority, several personalities are expected to head the Renaissance list. Among them, Stéphane Séjourné, secretary general and president of the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament, the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune, the European Commissioner Thierry Breton, Laurence Boone, Secretary of State for Europe and Pascal Canfin, Renew MEP .

Side France Insoumise (LFI), Manon Aubry should once again lead the party list, after the refusal of the PS and the environmentalists to form a common list with the Nupes parties for the election. In 2019, the former Oxfam spokesperson obtained 6.3% of the votes and six seats in the European Parliament.

The Socialist Party (PS) has not yet designated a head of list. In 2019, the party led a joint list with MEP Raphaël Glucksmann and his party Public place. The latter won 6.19% of the votes. He has already announced that he will be a candidate for the next European elections.

► Other lists are being prepared

Other parties are also on the starting line. A named list Rural Alliancebringing together various personalities including the boss of hunters Willy Schraen, will be officially launched on December 6, its campaign director, Thierry Coste, indicated at the beginning of November.

Jean-Marc Governatori will launch for the third time with his party Ecology at the center. Opposition municipal councilor in Nice, the 64-year-old business leader was also a candidate for the European Parliament in 2004 and 2009.

Hélène Thouy will run for Panimal rights arts (2.2% of the votes in 2019), Florian Philippot for The Patriotss, the municipal elected official in Strasbourg Caroline Zorn for the Pirate parties (0.13% of votes in 2019), Sven Franck for the pan-European party VoltJean-Christophe Fromantin for Territories on the move and finally Guillaume Lacroix for the Radical left party.

For their part, the independents ofUseful (a party which claims 11 of the 21 deputies from the Liot group in the National Assembly) are considering submitting a list “during January” with the Notre Europe movement.

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