Which Poinsettia was dropped by Empress Dowager Cixi just because of the name

by time news

2023-06-01 08:16:00

The Chinese have a saying: There are four happy things in life, namely, “The sun meets the orange road, the exile meets the old friends, the night is the flower room, the name is on the yellow board”. In it, the first three must depend on luck and “fate”.

Only “name on the golden board” is possible, relying on one’s own efforts to get fame. Many people also thanks to that change their fate, especially in the past, Poinsettia borrowed the path of election to promote officials and help the court.

But academic path not always fair. In the feudal period of China, the ruling class had full control of life and death, with just a flick of a finger, the half-life efforts of the candidates taking the exam could completely pour into the sea.

Even a contestant in the Qing Dynasty lost the title of Poinsettia because the name was not good Empress Dowager Cixi “favourite”.

Children of rich families also have their own sufferings

Dam Dien Khai was the son of Governor Dam Chung Lan, a loyalist of the Qing Dynasty, but because there were 5 brothers in the family, he was not noticed by his father. Moreover, Dam Dien Khai’s biological mother was originally a maid in the house, even her name was not recorded in the genealogy.

Fortunately, Dam Chung Lan came from a well-educated family and used his strength to gradually climb to the position of governor of Luong Quang (two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi), so he paid special attention to the aspect of children’s education. In the family, regardless of the eldest or the younger, they are taught the same.

Since childhood, Dam Dien Khai was used to his father not paying attention, so he swore to help his mother win the position with his efforts.

For Dam Dien Khai, learning not only enriches himself, but also an important opportunity to change his destiny. Therefore, Dam Dien Khai tried his best to study with a goal in mind. Thanks to that, he became the best son and successfully received the recognition of his father.

Later, Dam Dien Khai was praised by posterity as a person who was good at poetry, calligraphy and shooting, dubbed “Dam Tam Phap”, along with Tran Tam Lap and Dam Tu Dong called “Ho Tuong Tam Cong”. .

The mythical entrance exam

In 1893, Dam Dien Khai took part in the examination for teenagers, then he was only 13 years old, the youngest in the group of contestants, but achieved the highest title.

At the age of 22, Dam Dien Khai passed the bachelor’s exam, and a few years later passed Hoi Nguyen in the Festival competition organized by the Ritual Ministry, which was also the last contest of the Qing Dynasty. The title of Councilor of Dam Dien Khai has successfully helped her mother to have a position in the family.

Not only that, in the later Electrical competition, Dam Dien Khai also shined brightly, it can be said that he absolutely took on the title of Poinsettia at the top of this exam.

Unfortunately, the sky has unpredictable weather, people have good luck early in the afternoon! On the day of the results, Dam Dien Khai looked at his 35th position in the list, self-doubtful.

Because he wanted to clarify the reason for the drop, Dam Dien Khai three times visited Emperor Ong Dong Hoa and wanted to get a clear answer. Faced with such a stubborn young man, Mr. Dong Hoa reluctantly told the truth.

It turned out that the name Dam Dien Khai was the reason why he lost the title of Poinsettia. In 1898, the Hundred Days of Reform movement was launched with great enthusiasm.

“Mau Tuat Luc Quan Tu” led by Dam Tu Dong advocated science, reformed ideology, and harmed the interests of the court led by Empress Dowager Cixi. It can be said that Tu Hi hates Dam Tu Dong to the bone.

Therefore, when Tu Hi looked at the list of successful candidates, seeing the name of the first place Dam Dien Khai immediately thought of Dam Tu Dong. Moreover, Dam Dien Khai and Dam Tu Dong are both in the trio of “Ho Tuong three sons” which makes Tu Hi even more angry. So she waved a pen to erase Dam Dien Khai’s name.

When Dam Dien Khai heard that, he felt angry, but at that time, the ruling class was in power, so he could only swallow bitterly.

Deep revenge

Witnessing the injustice of the Qing court, Tan Dien Khai could not do anything, had to obey the arrangement of the court, immediately returned to Hunan to run the school.

Although after returning to Hunan, Tan Dien Khai was much calmer, he wrote the famous “The Legend of Poetry Collection”. But the event of losing the name Poinsettia still left Dam Dien Khai a psychological ghost.

In 1907, Empress Dowager Cixi personally presided over a reform called “Ding Vi Tan Chinh”, Dam Dien Khai despite previous feuds supported the Empress Dowager. Unexpectedly, the purpose of this reform was to cultivate the elite Manchu forces to control the Beiyang faction.

After learning the truth, Tan Dien Khai was extremely disappointed with the Qing government. In 1911, the Wuchang uprising led by Jiang Yiwu broke out (which acted as a catalyst for the Xinhai revolution, ending the Qing dynasty), and Tan Dien Khai quickly joined the uprising.

Dam Dien Khai is recognized for his outstanding ability, the road to becoming a mandarin can be said to be smooth sailing.

The Qing government and Empress Dowager Cixi, who once abolished the title of Poinsettia of Tan Dien Khai just because of the name, are now erased by the Wuchang uprising in the course of Chinese history.

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