Which side will you choose – the one with the books or the one with the head of the cow?

by time news

who will: Liran Chernov (27), Yeftah Ofir (42), Tokyo (3.5)
where: Lachish Street
seniority: 8 years for Petah, of which 4 years are shared
Meterage: 85 square meters

When one collects books from around the city and the world and the other has an addiction to special vintage items – the result is a combination full of style that weighs quite a bit, “but for beauty we suffer”. Liran had incarnations in the worlds of dance, acting and cooking until he arrived at high-tech, and today he also practices carrying heavy furniture home. Yeftah, on the other hand, remained in the world of acting and expanded it into other areas such as writing, directing and translating. He is actually more in the Pilates section.

Addiction to special vintage items. Photography: Noam Ron

“Before I moved in here with Yeftah, he lived in this apartment with a partner for a good few years,” says Liran. “The apartment looked terrible. A Tel Aviv bachelor apartment for boys with all that implies. For me, even if the place is temporary – I will put my all into it. After all, everything is temporary anyway, and all we can do is create places that feel like home. That’s what we did , together”.

No longer a typical bachelor apartment.  The paintings in the bathroom.  Photography: Noam Ron

No longer a typical bachelor apartment. The paintings in the bathroom. Photography: Noam Ron

Create places that feel like home.  A view from the hallway to the bedroom.  Photography: Noam Ron

Create places that feel like home. A view from the hallway to the bedroom. Photography: Noam Ron

the living room

“The living room was the first space we started to design together. We knew we wanted a green sofa and a light and modern sideboard. We found both in contrast and they felt like a stamp. The carpet also joined quite quickly from a store in Haifa to which I sent Yiftah, and the tables came from Yiftah’s childhood home in London. He grew up there for a while And his parents brought amazing furniture from there. The picture is a copy of a painting we like very much by Egon Shilo, which I printed and framed for Lietaf on one of his trips to Europe.”

Romantic gestures.  The sideboard in the living room and in the background a copy of a painting by Egon Shiloh.  Photography: Noam Ron

Romantic gestures. The sideboard in the living room and in the background a copy of a painting by Egon Shiloh. Photography: Noam Ron

Furniture from the childhood home in London.  View from the dining area to the living room.  Photography: Noam Ron

Furniture from the childhood home in London. View from the dining area to the living room. Photography: Noam Ron

the piano

“I play the piano and Fatah plays the guitar. I got the piano from my teacher at school for Yoram Levinstein’s performance. Next to him is a crazy statue of a woman, made of solid wood, that I found on the street. He weighs more than me, but I had to take him.”

He weighs more than me but I had to take him.  The piano, the library and the heavy sculpture.  Photography: Noam Ron

He weighs more than me but I had to take him. The piano, the library and the heavy sculpture. Photography: Noam Ron

In the library, as in the whole house, Yeftah’s books are scattered. He arranges them by colors and themes. Above the piano are books of poetry, music, plays and more. Next to them is the Golden Hedgehog Award that Fatah received for the role of Hitler in the musical ‘Shmuel’, and a precious photo of him as Hitler with Leah, our neighbor from above, a Holocaust survivor with whom we have a special relationship.”

Arranged by colors and themes.  Yeftah's books.  Photography: Noam Ron

Arranged by colors and themes. Yeftah’s books. Photography: Noam Ron

The dining area

“We have a good friend who designs model apartments and we occasionally get surprises from him, like these crazy dining chairs. We like to host. Almost every evening people come to us – for a drink or a real meal. The table is from the Sower’s guard from the 1960s, and it looks Small but knows how to open up. Quite a few amazing gatherings have gathered around it. We got the menorah from a cute old man who refurbishes old lamps and sells them at great prices in the marketplace.”

Hosted quite a few amazing meetings.  the dining table  Photography: Noam Ron

Hosted quite a few amazing meetings. the dining table Photography: Noam Ron

Almost every evening people come.  Dining Table.  Photography: Noam Ron

Almost every evening people come. Dining Table. Photography: Noam Ron

the kitchen

“The kitchen cupboards are bursting with antique dishes and utensils from all over the world that Liran collects,” says Yeftah. “The craft of cooking for him begins with thinking about the aesthetics of the dish. First of all, the vessel, the colors, the composition – then what will be in it. The orange dresser he found on the street and renovated, and it contains a collection of rarer and less rare wines that he orders in commercial quantities. Wine is an integral part of life Ours, at least from the moment Liran entered my life.”

A vintage fan, a mortar and pestle from Thailand, dishes from Vietnam on the kitchen counter.  Photography: Noam Ron

A vintage fan, a mortar and pestle from Thailand, dishes from Vietnam on the kitchen counter. Photography: Noam Ron

Inside it hides a collection of rare wines.  The orange dresser in the kitchen.  Photography: Noam Ron

Inside it hides a collection of rare wines. The orange dresser in the kitchen. Photography: Noam Ron

Yeftah’s study

“The other room is a study, music, creation, reading and entertaining room. When you stay with us, you get full board, so whoever wants can always sleep in the extra bed. Most of the time, someone working here, writing or reading, will open it. We found the library and the table on the street and renovated it, and they contain books Nonfiction, history or plot. We have to open an acoustic and electric guitar and also a special acoustic guitar that we carried all the way from Thailand.”

Those who stay receive full board.  the study room  Photography: Noam Ron

Those who stay receive full board. the study room Photography: Noam Ron

All the way from Thailand.  One of Yeftah's guitars.  Photography: Noam Ron

All the way from Thailand. One of Yeftah’s guitars. Photography: Noam Ron


“It is very clear which is my side and which is Liran’s side. On my side is a simple and practical dresser, a night lamp, books, and a picture of an octopus – which long before the movie ‘Morthy the Octopus’ I realized was my spirit animal, so there are all kinds of octopus elements scattered around the house.”

Octopus is the spirit animal.  Yeftah's side in the bedroom.  Photography: Noam Ron

Octopus is the spirit animal. Yeftah’s side in the bedroom. Photography: Noam Ron

“By Liran’s side there is a vintage dresser, a cow’s head that he brought from India and two robots from a flea market in China which are the item I hate in the house, so for me their only place is next to Liran’s head at night. On the wall is a photo of a good friend of ours, of a urinal in South Korea We fell in love with it at first sight, so we received it as a gift.”

Head of a cow and robots.  The side of learning in the bedroom.  Photo: Noam Ron

Head of a cow and robots. The side of learning in the bedroom. Photo: Noam Ron

Photo of urinals in South Korea, basic in every bedroom.  Photography: Noam Ron

Photo of urinals in South Korea, basic in every bedroom. Photography: Noam Ron

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