While on vacation, family catches white sharks in Florida

by time news

Redacción.- A family was fishing while on vacation and to their surprise they caught a great white shark and it was all recorded on a video.

The family is originally from North Dakota, but they were vacationing in Florida, where they booked a fishing adventure through a tour agency.

One of the family members said that he felt a great tug and that was when they realized it was a shark, to everyone’s surprise.

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The surprised captain, who claims to have been doing tours every day for 20 years, said it is the second time they have found a great white shark. The first time was about 15 years ago.

Before releasing it, they tagged the animal so that the authorities have control over it.

Through social networks, Rinehart Taxidermy reported that the estimated weight of the female shark was 600 pounds and that it measured around 100 inches.

Due to the weight of the animal, it took the strength of three adult men to carry the shark to the boat. They then removed the hook and released it back into the sea again.

Watch the video:

The family proceeded to release the shark.

According to international media, before the shark was released, those present at the nave they labeled it, because all the data on the specimen is shared with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Also, they use them to support the Apex Predator program.

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It is not the first time they have seen a white shark off the coast of Florida.

The company in charge of carrying out the fishing trips, Good Hit Sport Fishing, together with Rinehart Taxidermy, showed a video of what happened.

In the shared audiovisual material, the shark is seen floating in the water, after being caught, to release it successfully.

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