while waiting for the results, ask your questions to Anne Thirouard, guidance counselor at the CIDJ

by time news

“Please, can I catch up on the speaking test I missed when I was sick?” She could have raised my average… I’m really afraid of being penalized on Parcoursup, please. » Emails like this, sent by high school students panicking about their report cards or shouting virulently at injustice, Solange Ramond, an English teacher in a Paris high school, receives several each month. “Each rating becomes a major issue, sometimes even making them aggressive: I had never seen that in thirty years”says the teacher, who feels her high school students “totally distressed” by the weight of these grades on their post-baccalaureate future. “The issue of orientation has always been a stress, but now it takes precedence over everythingshe laments. The relationship to education has become accountable, including on the side of parents who go to high school to contest grades and assessments. »

Increasingly strong selection, large-scale waiting lists and algorithms that are not always very transparent: more than ever, post-baccalaureate orientation is a source of anxiety for high school students and their families.

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