White, black, brown and red: the health benefits of the different types of rice

by time news

Rice is considered a staple food in many countries, and provides billions around the world with a cheap and nutritious source of energy. Among the existing types of rice there are differences in color, taste and nutritional value. What do the different types of rice contain and which rice is the most nutritious and healthy?

Brown rice
whole rice. The sprout plus the outer layer (the bran) contain a large amount of nutrients, healthy fats and vitamins E and B. The bran contains antioxidants (flavonoids, quercetin, luteolin). Brown rice has a similar amount of calories as white rice, but it has a higher protein level, and it contains about three times more fiber than white rice. These two ingredients encourage a feeling of satiety and help maintain a healthy weight. Eating brown rice also contributes to the regulation of blood sugar and insulin.

A study of 15 overweight adults showed that those who ate 200 grams of brown rice over five days had significantly lower levels of fasting blood sugar and insulin compared to those who ate the same amount of white rice. Therefore, brown rice is more recommended for diabetics.

black rice
Research shows that black rice has the highest flavonoid antioxidant activity compared to other rice varieties, making it a nutritious choice. Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from damage caused by excess free radicals that contribute to a condition known as oxidative stress, which is linked to the development of chronic conditions such as heart disease, certain types of cancer such as colon cancer and mental stress.

red rice
Red rice varieties contain an unusual set of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, as they have a higher percentage of protein and fiber than white rice. It, like black rice, is full of flavonoid antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body, maintain free radical levels and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Studies show that red rice has a higher ability to fight free radicals and contains higher levels of flavonoid antioxidants than brown rice.

White Rice
It is processed rice, meaning the bran and germ have been removed from it. This process extends the shelf life of the final product, but it leads to the loss of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. As a result, white rice contains fewer antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein than brown, black or red rice. It is less satisfying and affects the blood sugar level more.

the better kind
Studies show that eating whole grains, such as brown, red or black rice, improves health. Whole grains are associated with a lower risk of heart disease, obesity and certain types of cancer. A study found that replacing 50 grams of white rice per day with the same amount of brown rice reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 16 percent. Studies have also shown that people who consume more of the antioxidants found in brown, red, or black rice have a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, Depression, certain types of cancer and heart disease. Eating white rice in moderation is healthy, but replacing it with whole grain varieties will definitely provide more nutrients.

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