White yogurt, Greek, kefir. How to orient yourself among the different types – time.news

by time news
from Anna Mop

Rich in nutrients and digestible, it gives its best if the expiration date is far away. Pay attention to the presence of added fats and sugars, if you are on a diet

one of the oldest fermented dairy products of the world. Yogurt is the result of the acidification of milk by probiotics, live “good” bacteria belonging to the genera Streptococcus thermophilus e Lactobacillus bulgaricus. If different microorganisms are inoculated, as in the case of kefir, fermented milk is obtained, explains Laura Rossinutritionist and researcher at the Council for Research in Agriculture and the analysis of the agricultural economy (CREA Alimenti e Nutrrizione).

Yogurt with milk and bacteria only has nutritional characteristics equivalent to those of the starting milk. therefore a rich source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, proteins, vitamins A, B2 and B12. In addition, however, there are the benefits, which are greater if the expiration date is not close, of fermentation at the level of the intestinal microbiota and beyond. Indeed, lactose intolerant
they often manage to eat yogurt. Their lactase deficiency is compensated by the action of bacteria: they partly predigest lactose and, at the same time, produce lactic acid which gives that characteristic sour taste, continues the expert.

How to choose the most suitable according to your needs?

Let’s see the characteristics of the various types. Bianco the most popular. Entireperhaps with the addition of muesli, it becomes a snack for everyone; skimmed recommended for those with slightly elevated total cholesterol (200-250 mg / dl); semi-skimmed to those who pay attention to the line. At the fruit For this reason, sugar appears among the ingredients suitable for a sportsman. Otherwise it is preferable to add fresh fruit to a plain yogurt. With goat’s milk Let’s dispel two myths: it is not true that it is more digestible compared to that of cow and that does not contain lactose, it represents an option for those who want to change taste.

Keep cholesterol and triglycerides under control

Greco The original one high in fat and low in protein, to be avoided if you have high cholesterol and triglycerides. The Greek one has more protein because it is used in place of fats to promote thickening. More suitable for those who have to keep fats under control and for those on a diet. With the addition of honey and dried fruit it can replace a meal. Soybean It cannot be called yogurt because it is obtained from a vegetable drink. Okay for vegans, for those with high cholesterol and triglycerides: it has little fat and no cholesterol. It has more calories than cow’s because there is more sugar, which is why it is not recommended for diabetics. Of course it would not be a source of calcium, unless added to it.

Anti-cholesterol function

With coconut milk

Contraindicated to those with cardiovascular problems, high triglycerides and cholesterol: it is true that without cholesterol, but there are many saturated fats and the most atherogenic ones are high. Due to its characteristics, it is also suitable for those who choose a vegan diet. Kefir cow or goat In addition to lactobacilli, acetobacteria are present which cause there to be a slightly alcoholic flavor. Because of this better not to give it to children. Functional They have one anti-cholesterol functionare found with added vitamins or minerals, usually recommended by your doctor.

August 4, 2022 (change August 4, 2022 | 17:48)

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