Whiten Dark and Dry Lips: 3 Homemade Formulas for a Pink, Soft and Hydrated Lip

by time news

2023-11-13 23:23:32

“And her lips were soft and red as carmine…” From fairy tales to commercials for major cosmetic brands, the mouth is described as a trait of beauty and sexual attractiveness. However, How to lighten dark lips naturally?

The tone of the lips, like their texture, are not a product of chance. The reason that the vast majority of us seek to have a pink and soft mouth is more for a matter of health than aesthetics. According to research published in the International Journal of Morphology, Some diseases alter the appearance of the facial soft tissues.

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Why do lips turn black?

It is more common than you imagine, that the lip color change over time. It is very possible that it will not be noticed immediately due to the continuous use of lipstick, but habits such as smoking, direct exposure to the sun and contact with some substances in makeup can cause stains or changes in the pigmentation of said area.

In the case of women, some hormonal changes or the use of contraceptives can influence the dark appearance of the lips.

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3 home tricks to whiten dark lips

If you have noticed that your lips have been losing the pink tone that distinguished them, to a dark color, as if they were damaged. Then you need these tips, and they will also do wonders in your life:

1-Sugar and honey scrub

Elaboration: Mix a teaspoon of granulated sugar with a teaspoon of raw honey in a small bowl until you have a paste.

How to use: Gently apply this mixture on your lips and massage in circular motions for about 1-2 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. The honey will help moisturize your lips, while the sugar will exfoliate the skin dead and will promote the regeneration of fresh skin. You can do this once a week.

2- Cucumber and yogurt mask

Elaboration: Peel and cut a small piece of cucumber and blend it in a blender with a tablespoon of natural unsweetened yogurt until you obtain a smooth paste.

How to use: Apply this mask on your lips and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. Cucumber has cooling and clarifying properties, while yogurt provides moisture and nutrients to the skin of the lips. You can do this once a week.

3-Coconut oil and vitamin E

Elaboration: Mix a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil with the contents of one vitamin E capsule in a small container.

How to use: Apply this mixture on your lips before going to bed. Let it absorb overnight. Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer, and vitamin E helps repair and brighten skin. This daily routine will help keep your lips soft and hydrated.

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How to make pink lips naturally?

If you want to achieve a delicate princess-like effect, but without resorting to the use of makeup. Don’t fear, there are natural options that, in addition to avoiding chemicals, will save you the trouble of fighting mouthpieces or dry lips. Take note!

1-Constant hydration: Hydration is key to keeping lips healthy and with a natural color. Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your skin, including your lips, well hydrated.

2-Beet oil: Applying beet oil to your lips can give them a natural pink hue. Simply cut a small piece of beetroot and gently rub it on your lips. Let the beet juice absorb for a few minutes and then rinse.

3-Strawberry lip balm: Mix pureed strawberries with a little honey and apply this mixture on your lips. Strawberries have natural color-giving properties, and honey will hydrate your lips. Leave the mixture for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing.

Now that you know how to lighten dark lips, what are you waiting for to recover the natural and sexy color that they have always had or that you had wanted many years ago.

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