who are the “friends” spied on by the United States – time.news

by time news

Americans spy on their friends: not a surprise, but it becomes so when it emerges (as now, in classified Pentagon documents that have ended up on the net) and creates mutual distrust. the jungle of mirrors, as it was defined during the cold war | The military point 421

The Americans they spy on their friends: not a surprise, but it becomes so when it emerges – and creates – mutual distrust.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — The sheikhs, according to the confidential papers released on the web, have decided to collaborate with the Russian secret services against Washington and London intelligence. Common interest among pragmatists. Dubai the new home of many oligarchs, the monarchies have been accused of having assisted the Russians in overcoming the embargo, there is common action in Libya where they support General Haftar, leader of Cyrenaica, protected by Wagner mercenaries. Mohammed bin Zayed, Gulf strongman, acts like the other Mohammed, the Saudi bin Salman: look to the point, partner of the West but this does not preclude real contacts with China and Russia. Under Trump, Emiratis favored private channels with Muscovites, including a mysterious meeting in the Seychelles.

EGYPT — President al Sisi walks a tightrope. He weighs the economic crisis, the harsh repercussions of the conflict since the country has always imported wheat and sunflower oil from Russia and Ukraine, products that now cost more. The government is in desperate need of economic assistance, it is counting on Russians, Chinese, Gulf investors to whom it is indebted. Again with the support of Russia is building a nuclear power plant. He collaborates in a profound way with the United States but has not ruled out granting a landing place to Putin’s Navy and it has also commissioned new Sukhoi 35 fighters, an order that ended up in limbo after the threat of sanctions from the US. The White House then withheld military aid in retaliation for human rights violations, another issue that brings clouds to bilateral relations. The willingness to sell 40,000 Egyptian rockets to the invaders is part of an exchange of business and favours. In the summer of 2017, the Americans thwarted the shipment of a shipment of North Korean anti-tank weapons to the Egyptians, who were forced to block the old freighter Jie Shun to avoid an embarrassing situation. Egypt, like the Emirates, is under special surveillance: Washington has sent here the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the head of the CIA William Burns, missions linked to the Libyan crisis but above all to contrast Wagner, which is booming in the Sahel.

SOUTH KOREA — Seoul’s official position has always been not to grant offensive material to Kiev. In reality, at the end of September 2022 news had come out on a covert understanding under which the US bought war equipment for Zelensky’s army which had to pass thanks to a triangulation through the Czech Republic. Who knows if it went through. In January, the government gave the green light to the transfer from Poland to Ukraine of self-propelled Krabs, vehicles fitted with South Korean components. And of course, the executive didn’t say anything about that the Pentagon recovered 155-millimeter shells from its bases in the peninsula hurriedly shipped to the Ukrainians. The revelations of these hours on the interceptions conducted by the US on supplies and the pressure exerted have created embarrassment, all the more so in a country that moves together with the US in the face of the daily challenge of Kim’s regime. In fact, one of the first reactions, combined with the request for clarification, was to put their hands forward: some files would have been altered precisely to sow discord.

ISRAEL “Jerusalem and Washington are squeezed by a historic iron pact but history itself is full of sensational episodes of war of spies between the two allies, from the mole Pollard in the US Defense to the mystery of an infiltrator in the White House during the Clinton presidency. The latest papers refer to an alleged maneuver instigated by the Mossad against the justice reform decided by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Now, as the newspaper notes Time, the dissent of a part of the security establishment is a declared fact, with letters published in the local media. It seems that someone from US intelligence has siphoned off the details in the report then affixing the top secret seal thus giving it a particular value.

C’ space for allusions to misdirections or deceptionsto the overlapping of true and false, to that – as recalled by the editorialist of Washington Post David Ignatius — who Cold War veterans used to define the jungle of mirrors.

April 11, 2023 (change April 11, 2023 | 18:48)

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