Who are the new party leaders in the National Assembly?

by time news

Don’t worry, you didn’t have to vote for these elections, your job has been done since Sunday! After the class photo, the various parties in the Assembly elected their group presidents, now that the casting is known. Renewed heavyweights, newcomers, rise in rank… 20 Minutes goes around the leaders for you, in order of election.

LFI under the direction of Mathilde Panot

Unanimously from a group that went from 17 to 75 heads, Mathilde Panot was reappointed patron saint of LFI deputies. The 33-year-old Francilienne had recovered this charge from the hands of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in October 2021. Hailed for her qualities as an organizer, she will have to succeed in “making the link” between “fighters with volcanic characters”, indicates Alexis Corbiere. That’s good, the member for Val-de-Marne also has a “thunderous personality”, agitated like a foil by her opponents.

Mathilde Panot at a meeting of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s presidential campaign. – Chang Martin/SIPA

Consecration for curator Olivier Marleix at LR

After the defeat of Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election and the election of just sixty deputies, LR will have to rebuild itself, and even reinvent itself a little. As such, the two candidates for the presidency of the group would have looked like outsiders not long ago. On the one hand, Julien Dive, 37, heir to Xavier Bertrand and symbol of the party’s young guard. On the other, Olivier Marleix, 51, support of Laurent Wauquiez in the race for the head of the party in 2017 then of Michel Barnier during the primary of 2021. Deputy of Eure-et-Loir since 2012, president of the departmental structure of the party, it is this representative of the conservative wing who was chosen by 40 votes against 20, and a blank vote.

Olivier Marleix.
Olivier Marleix. – Jacques Witt/SIPA

Aurore Bergé knocks out the competition at Renaissance

Despite four candidates, the presidency of the Renaissance group (ex-LREM), was decided in the first round. Former deputy president of the group, Aurore Bergé used her experience to win in the first round with 88 votes in her favor, against 29 for Guillaume Vuilletet, 25 for Rémy Rebeyrotte and 11 for Stella Dupont. At 35, the deputy of Yvelines succeeds the beaten Christophe Castaner, against whom she had bowed in September 2020. In politics, her successive affinities, from Nicolas Sarkozy and François Fillon to Alain Juppé then Emmanuel Macron, earned her a reputation for ambitious, even opportunistic. “She plays it solo”, squeaks a former LREM.

Engaged very young on the right, she defends a strict vision of secularism, takes a stand against marriage for all in 2013 but is in favor of the extension of the legal deadline for abortion. She led an “offensive campaign” for the presidency of the group, “she deserves the post”, but “she must not be divisive”, believes a walker, while she has already created controversy within the previous majority and that it will be necessary to create a consensus with the oppositions in order to govern. Very comfortable on television sets, Aurore Bergé has imposed herself on the front line of the macronie since her arrival at the Assembly in 2017. But her offensive tone has kept her away from a government position. “She is on all fronts, sometimes it is better to decelerate, to target her interventions” and “I think she scares them” within the executive, said a leader of the majority recently.

With Laurent Marcangeli, Horizons looks to the South

With 29 seats, Edouard Philippe’s party will be a “loyal” but “free” ally of the government. It is moreover a friend of the former Prime Minister, Laurent Marcangeli, who was elected by acclamation at the head of the group. The mayor of Ajaccio, a 41-year-old lawyer, elected deputy for Corse-du-Sud, embodies the link between the right and macronie of his party. Elected deputy in 2012 under the colors of the UMP, this opponent of the Corsican nationalists had brought the right to the town hall of Ajaccio in 2014, before supporting Emmanuel Macron in his quest for a second term.

Laurent Marcangeli in the presence of Emmanuel Macron, February 6, 2018.
Laurent Marcangeli in the presence of Emmanuel Macron, February 6, 2018. – ZIHNIOGLU KAMIL / SIPA

Communist preserve for André Chassaigne

With 12 communist deputies, the renewal of a group was not won. Six ultramarine deputies joined them, and put André Chassaigne at their head. This former professor of Letters and History-geo then principal of college, with the strong word and the mustache provided, chairs since 2012 the Democratic and Republican Left group. The 71-year-old elected official from Puy-de-Dôme was dubbed by Fabien Roussel as “the one who knows best how this house works”. Opposed to a single group for Nupes, his enmity with Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been notorious since their duel to take the lead of the Left Front in 2012.

Jean-Paul Mattei moderates MoDem MPs

Close to François Bayrou, Jean-Paul Mattei is elected new president of the MoDem deputies. Described as “wise and crafty at the same time” at the MoDem, the 68-year-old notary is anchored in the center-right and succeeded in 2017 to the former boss MoDem in his district of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

Of Corsican origin but having always lived in Béarn, Jean-Paul Mattei willingly puts forward his “great sense of mediation, of conciliation which is the DNA of (his) job”. He won by 36 votes against nine to his only competitor Nicolas Turquois.

More information to come on the leaders RN, EELV and PS to come on 20minutes.fr…/…

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