Who invented the birdhouse – DW – 04/27/2023

by time news

2023-04-27 12:16:00

Sittich Karl Rudolf Hans von Berlepsch is one of the most famous German ornithologists, as well as the inventor of the birdhouse and artificial nests for birds. The first part of his name – Sittich – is translated from German as “parrot”. He belonged to an old Thuringian-Hessian noble family. Their crest is adorned with five necklace parrots, emphasizing a deeply rooted family tradition of poultry farming.

Inspired by his travels in the South American jungle, Sittich von Berlepsch founded a bird sanctuary in Thuringia in 1885, on the territory of Seebach Castle, surrounded by a moat. “I tried to artificially create the same thing in a relatively short time. Planting from certain tree species, in which, due to appropriate pruning, the same good nesting opportunities are created as in primeval forests,” Berlepsh wrote in his book “My ornithological biography “. First of all, he cut down all the fruit trees planted around the castle, which greatly upset his mother. Instead, he densely planted oaks, willows, mountain ash, hawthorn and other trees and shrubs, which were regularly pruned so that new shoots quickly formed dense thickets, ideal for nesting birds.

The first and oldest state bird protection station in Germany is located on the grounds of Seebach Castle in ThuringiaPhoto: Martin Schutt/picture-alliance/dpa

Over time, the territory not only expanded to two hectares, but also turned into the first ornithological station in Germany. In 1908, this still private experimental and exemplary institution for the protection of birds received state recognition and support, which it still enjoys today. Only once in the entire history of its existence, what is happening in the reserve caused an ambiguous reaction from the public. We are talking about experiments conducted in the 1970-80s with Japanese quails, which were mixed with pesticides in their feed. The goal was to find out how heavy use of pesticides affects birds. However, no such studies have been carried out since then, and in April the Seebach bird sanctuary celebrated its 115th anniversary.

Birdhouse turned out after 15 years

Sittich von Berlepsch decided to additionally install artificially created nests and birdhouses in his reserve. However, he did not immediately manage to find the right shape – most of the chicks died in his clay pots and wooden boxes. At the same time, he noticed that tits, robins, redstarts, nuthatches and wrynecks like to settle in abandoned woodpecker hollows. Therefore, he began to gouge additional holes in the trunks of alder.

Titmouse flies out of the blue birdhouse
Birds are the only effective pest controlФото: Volker Rauch/Shotshop/picture alliance

Only after 15 years of observation and trying did he finally manage to create birdhouses suitable for birds. The model of the so-called Berlepsh’s nest formed the basis for all varieties of bird houses: spacious birdhouses with a large hole for starlings and hoopoes, half-caves for robins and wrens, etc. Only in his castle, the inventor installed more than a hundred birdhouses, and several thousand in the neighboring park and his forest estate. When the “invasion” of insects occurred in 1905 and 1921, the Berlepsh trees were practically not affected. “I hope everyone finally understood that birds are our only effective defense against pests,” Berlepsh summed up in his book.

He also owns the idea of ​​creating feeders protected from rain and wind. Through his observations, he also found out that in winter, when food is scarce, birds can be fed with a mixture of fat, seeds and grains.

Storks and injured birds

The idyllic location of the Seebach castle and nature reserve attract many visitors. In early spring, delicate primroses bloom here, and in autumn you can admire the riot of natural colors. But it becomes especially lively and interesting when migratory birds return. For example, last year a video camera was installed near the nest of storks, allowing bird lovers to watch the emergence of chicks and their maturation in real time.

However, people come here not only for walks and excursions. Here you can get professional advice on bird care, take training courses or seminars.

In the state ornithological reserve live, including rare and endangered species of birds; they are counted and ringed. Also, confiscated, sick or injured individuals are brought here: with fractures, bruises, and damage to internal organs. On average, about 250 per year, and about a quarter of them are birds of prey and owls. Once recovered, they are usually released back into the wild.

Sittich Carl Rudolf Hans von Berlepsch died in 1933. For all that he did for birds, he was awarded the popular nickname “Bird Baron”, and his name is still remembered by many ornithologists and bird lovers.

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#invented #birdhouse

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