Who is Ezequiel Carrera, the military officer who was arrested again in the Ayotzinapa case?

by times news cr

2024-07-09 04:47:07

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, a judge ordered the release of Ezequiel Carrera Raffles, military that had been arrested for his alleged involvement in the Ayotzinapa case.

According to the resolution issued by the justice administrator, the evidence presented against Ezequiel Carrera Raffles were not enough to keep him detained.

However, just under 4 months after the release was ordered, the military was insured once by elements of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (FGR) in Tepoztlan.

But whatWho is Ezequiel Carrera and what are the reasons why they are accused of having participated in the Ayotiznapa caseWe tell you what is known about the soldier.

Protest for Ayotzinapa (Graciela Lopez Herrera / Cuartoscuro)

Who is Ezequiel Carrera?

In his investigations of the Ayotzinapa casethe Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) identified Ezequiel Carrera as one of the military involved.

The GIEI established that Ezequiel Carrera Rifas, a member of the 27th Infantry Battalion In Iguala, he took an active part in the events of September 26, 2014.

Because of this, on March 10 he was arrested in the Military Field I of Mexico City (CDMX), as part of a formal accusation filed against the FGR.

However, just 6 days later, he was released by order of Judge Raquel Ivette Duarte Cedillowho ruled that the evidence against him was insufficient.

After the setback against the FGR and almost 4 months later, Ezequiel Carrera Rifas was arrested for the second time in the municipality of Tepoztlán, in the state of Morelos.

Who is Ezequiel Carrera’s wife?

For being an element of the Armed Forces involved in the Ayotzinapa case which is classified as National securitypublic information about Ezekiel Carrera is scarce.

Thus, Various aspects are unknown Regarding the soldier accused of reporting to the 27th Infantry Battalion in Iguala on the activities of the normal school students.

In this regard, it is unknown whether Ezequiel Carrera Rifas, who was arrested once again on July 8 for his role in the Ayotzinapa case, is single or has a wife.

How many children does Ezequiel Carrera have?

By lack of data about the family of military which verified the activities of the night of September 24, 2014 the collection of the 43 normalistasit is also not known if it has children.

Protest for Ayotzinapa

Protest for Ayotzinapa (Dassaev Tellez Adame / Cuartoscuro)

What studies and children did Ezequiel Carrera have?

Since it is classified as a case of national security, much of the information surrounding the disappearance of the Ayotzinapa normal school students is not in the public domain.

Especially the soldiers of the 27th Infantry Battalion in Iguala, who are accused of participating in the events that led to the disappearance of students.

Even almost 10 years after the Ayotzinapa case, the parents of the 43 students demand that the files are released of what happened at the battalion facilities.

However, the details of the soldiers involved have not been provided, including Ezequiel Carrera Rifas, of whom nothing is known either. What were your studies?.

What did the military man Ezequiel Carrera work on?

In the same vein, No information is available that is related to the jobs in which the now ex-military man served Ezequiel Carrera Raffles.

The data of the GIEIthey only identified that the former member of the 27th Infantry Battalion in Iguala, He held the rank of corporal When the events of the Ayotzinapa case.

Likewise, the investigations of the independent body that participated in the investigations identified that Ezequiel Carrera was a member of the Information Search Body.

That is to say, the military man who was arrested once again for his participation in the Ayotzinapa case, was in charge of tasks of espionage, infiltration and data collection.

Protest for Ayotzinapa

Protest for Ayotzinapa (Elizabeth Ruiz / Cuartoscuro)

Ezequiel Carrera, a military officer involved in the Ayotzinapa case, is arrested once again

Almost 4 months after being released due to the alleged lack of evidence against him, the former military man Ezequiel Carrera was insured once again in Tepoztlán by personnel of the FGR.

The capture of the former member of the 27th Infantry Battalion in Iguala was carried out in compliance with a arrest warrant turned over for the crime of organized crime.

The order was released by the Judge Raquel Ivette Duarte Cedillothe same justice administrator who last March ordered his release due to lack of evidence.

After being arrested, Ezequiel Carrera was transferred to Military Camp I, where the arraignment will be held. preparatory statement before the judge via video conference.

It should be noted that the investigations that point to Ezequiel Carrera are based on statements made by several protected witnesses identified as “Juan”, “Carla” and “Neto”.

According to witness statements, Ezequiel Carrera and 20 other military members of the battalion were part of the “narco payroll” of the criminal group of United Warriors.

Protest for Ayotzinapa

Protest for Ayotzinapa (Graciela Lopez Herrera / Cuartoscuro)

2024-07-09 04:47:07

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