Who is Fortino Alberto González Ahedo? He disappeared in CDMX on January 5

by times news cr

Friends and family ask for help to locate Fortino Alberto González Ahedowho disappeared in Mexico City (CDMX) on January 5, 2025.

Given this situation, the Attorney General’s Office of CDMX issued a search card for Fortino Alberto González Ahedo, with the aim of collecting information that can help locate him.

For this reason we share with you what is known about Fortino Alberto González Ahedodisappeared on January 5 in the streets of CDMX.

Who is Fortino Alberto González Ahedo?

It’s a capital businessman which would be dedicated to the purchase and sale of vehicles, in addition to offering its services for the public sector.

How old is Fortino Alberto González Ahedo?

According to the information shared by the authorities, Fortino Alberto González Ahedo He is currently 47 years old.

Who is the wife of Fortino Alberto González Ahedo?

It is unknown If Fortino Alberto González Ahedo is married.

What zodiac sign is Fortino Alberto González Ahedo?

Since the exact date of birth of Fortino Alberto González Ahedo is unknown, it is not possible Determine what your zodiac sign is.

How many children does Fortino Alberto González Ahedo have?

There is no information that helps determine whether Fortino Alberto González Ahedo has children.

What did Fortino Alberto González Ahedo study?

Fortino Alberto González Ahedo has bachelor’s studies.

What has Fortino Alberto González Ahedo worked on?

He served as a contractor for the Judicial Branch, through his company dedicated to maintenance and sale of land vehicles.

Fortino Alberto González Ahedo disappeared in CDMX on January 5

The CDMX Prosecutor’s Office prepared the search form for locate Fortino Alberto González Ahedowho disappeared last Sunday, January 5, 2025.

According to the information shared, Fortino Alberto González Ahedo disappeared in the San Ángel neighborhoodlocated in the Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office.

The file shared by the authorities indicates that Fortino Alberto González Ahedo has the following characteristics:

  • athletic build
  • wide forehead
  • semi-bush eyebrows
  • straight hair
  • ovalda way
  • flat nose
  • goatee

If you have information that helps the authorities determine your location, it is important that you Please contact the following telephone numbers:

  • 55 53 45 50 80
  • 55 53 45 50 82
  • 55 53 45 50 67

Fortino Alberto González Ahedo disappeared in CDMX on January 5 (CDMX Prosecutor’s Office)

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