Who is La Argolla and where is it found?

by time news

In 1883, the followers of García Moreno formed the first political party of history, the ‘Republican Union’. But They split right away.

Los Catholic extremists, called ‘terrorists’, the ‘republican catholics’ were identified as conservatives, led by Camilo Ponce Ortiz.

The moderates maintained the ‘Republican Union’, grouped in ‘progressivism’, made up of supporters of José María Placido Caamaño and Antonio Flores Jijón, heads of state between 1884-1888 and 1888-1892.

In 1892 there was a conflict over the hiring of loans for the construction of the railroad, offered by a certain Count D’Okzsa. Camilo Ponce fought them in Congress and the Council of State, accusing President Flores and Caamaño of forming a ‘ring’ to take advantage of public credit.

In July 1892 the anonymous ‘La Argolla’ appeared. It said: “Who is the Ring and where is it found? Now that some on the path of the most brazen cynicism and others on the path of the most insidious perfidy, are once again determined to lead us to ruin than the resolution of the famous D’Okazsa contract…”

The anonymous, who was known Camilo Ponce wrote it, I was asking about family relations of the circle of power, the one who called “oligarchy”.

He asked if it was not true that Antonio Flores Jijón was the brother of General Reinaldo Flores and the uncle of Carlos, Leonardo and Enrique Stagg, sons of Mrs. Amalia Flores; that Reinaldo Flores was married to Ana Caamaño, sister of José María Plácido Caamaño; that Leonardo Stagg was successively married to two sisters of Placido Caamaño; that Enrique Stagg was married to Elena Obarrio, daughter of Gabriel Obarrio; that Vicente González Baso, son of Aníbal González, was married to a niece of Antonio Flores, daughter of Matilde Flores.

It was clear that Caamaño and Flores were part of a close group of relatives, connected to business that were reported.

flowers defended himself before the accusations of ‘La Argolla’. in the brochure ‘New challenge to my slanderers’ he defied to be proved wrongdoing. “It can hardly be believed, this hunting of illicit profits, in which we have renounced more than once the legal assignments and served the Homeland without remuneration.”

In the post: ‘The Ring and the New Challenge of Dr. Antonio Flores’ N. Clemente Ponce, nephew of the terrorist chief, claimed responsibility for the anonymous and offered evidence on the family-political complex ‘The Ring’ and its link with foreign railroad entrepreneurs and foreign debt.

In the end, although Flores’ non-participation in fraudulent business was clarified, political accusations against his government remained standing and the suspicion of fraudulent handling of the Caamaño and the Stagg.

The nickname ‘La Argolla’ remained in political memory for years, with the novelty that those who first used the name ‘oligarchy’ were the conservatives.

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