Who is Martina Scrinzi, the revelation actress at the 2024 Venice Film Festival in Vermiglio

by time news

Are there any comfort items that you can’t do without, for example?

For traveling and working I am used to overalls, or linen, also because coming from the theater-dance dress always comfortable. In any case I love heels, sequins, feathers, glitter, glitter, on these important occasions I like them. In everyday life I prefer earth colors, linen, natural things, bamboo and nettle fibers, eco printing, artisanal fabrics, vegan silk. I like to experiment on myself the “new fashion” and the concept of sustainability. It also often happens to buy second-hand, vintage clothes, the idea also of repairing a dress.

How do you feel like you’re from Trentino?

I live between Rome and Rovereto. I have kept my accent, I almost never speak in diction, because it would take me away from myself and it often happened that I acted in dialect. In Vermilion it happened with the solandro, typical of the 40s, in a very small part in Luba by Giorgio Diritti (in the Yenish language), but also in the theatre, in German, in Italian of course.

In character instead?

I would say in my ways, in my bearing. I grew up in a place far from the city, a house in the middle of the woods, three kilometers away from the first village: it is a very particular environment, at my parents’ house there is no TV, no wifi, in fact when I return to Rome I have to re-arrange myself for a moment. I had an education in nature, slightly alternative, rigorous, no comfort, simple games, it was about adapting to situations and shortcomings. My mother is an educator, she has always been close to the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, who talks about being content and looking for natural things.

Sofia Solazzi

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