Who is Moses Katumbi Chapwe? – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-04-20 15:15:56

Win the Legend

Losing the presidential election and leaving power with elegance and dignity is a possibility that many Presidents of the Republic in office – and their supporters – often refuse to imagine. You have to have great moral heights and a sincere democratic culture to resolve to accept defeat at the end of an election and resume a life without a red carpet, without an escort of motorcyclists, without screaming sirens, without the enjoyable and everyday feeling of power in front of the bows of many obliged and all the tralala which adorn the life of the one who holds the supreme power in a country.

The obsession to stay in business as long as possible makes the latter dangerous, cruel, cynical: he does not deprive himself of any means that can allow him to destroy any formidable competitor.

Moïse Katumbi, declared candidate for the next presidential election, is today the one against whom the current supporters of power are deploying their heavy artillery. Everyone shoots at him. Nothing is spared to him as critics, as vile, hateful as laughable.

What worries his opponents the most are the qualities of the man. All those who had the opportunity to rub shoulders with Moïse Katumbi unanimously recognize his temperance, his Christian sociability, his humility which contrasts with his material wealth, his great ability to listen, his great sense of organization, his qualities as a multi-sector manager.

Moïse Katumbi learned to have several irons in the fire. Very young, he combined studies and business, together with his other brothers and sisters after the death of their father from whom they inherited the commercial activities. When the Lushois Moïse Katumbi finishes his secondary studies (he had among other teachers the storyteller and actor Pie Tshibanda), he already has mastered the trade, has his foot in the stirrup. Only people with exceptional gifts can undertake various activities at once and succeed in them. Thus, for a long time, it is not surprising to see Moïse Katumbi in the morning as a planter inspecting his large fields of various species of fruit trees, pulses and green vegetables. Hours later, find him in a meeting with his political collaborators reflecting on the structuring of the political party of which he is the national president and on the future of the country. It is the same Moïse Katumbi that we find the same day, some time later, as manager of the Tout-Puissant Mazembe team in his office in the private stadium – his work – which bears the name of this formation, a jewel sports complex today of Congolese football, which has been chosen by CAF as the only stadium in Congo able to host an African Cup match, all the others being poorly maintained, with dilapidated facilities. Moïse Katumbi saved the honor of his country.

Let us recall here that the latter had been massively elected national and provincial deputy, and governor – for 8 years – of the most important province of Congo, before the dismemberment of the country into 26 provinces. A popularity that has grown over the years, not without causes.

A governor directs his political cabinet and the provincial government. He chairs the Council of Ministers (where we talk and decide on various problems, economic, socio-cultural, environmental, etc.) and the provincial security committee. He is the first point of contact for foreigners (private and official) who arrive in the province for multiple reasons. He is seized on various questions, by mail or other channels, by private persons and various associations of the province of which he ends up knowing more the mentality, the psychology.

The experience of the management of goods and people, Moïse Katumbi has it and wishes to make it benefit his country as President of the Republic. It is this man full of particular qualities – who also knows the outside world for having traveled a lot and who, as a result, has… a well-stocked address book – who is feared among the challengers of the current occupant of Mount Ngaliema. Everything is thus good to “destroy” him, to dirty him, to make him hated by his compatriots. And, to date, the only strategy chosen and elaborated for this objective, is the lie.

And the big lie is in particular that of giving him all the nationalities of the world (Italian, Greek, Israeli, Zambian and others) with as alleged evidence images of false passports, made without intelligence (“photoshoped”) and swung on social networks . And to give credibility to these false assertions, we even question the Congolese nationality of her mother, Virginie Mwenda, a native of the Kashobwe village, daughter of Mukombe Katumbi of the Bemba ethnic group and Kalasa Musengezi of the Yeke ethnic group. This daughter of Mwami Kalasa Mukanda-Bantu, he son of Mwami M’siri Ngelengwa Shitambi, “king M’siri”, assassinated and beheaded on December 20, 1891 by the Belgian captain Bodson for having resisted the colonial occupation of his kingdom.

As we have just read, the mother of Moïse Katumbi is therefore the granddaughter of the valiant King M’siri. The president of “Together for the Republic” and candidate for the next presidential election, is thus, by the maternal side of his mother, of “royal blood”. He is the nephew of the current national deputy, Dominique Munongo Inamizi, sister of the current reigning customary chief of the Bayeke, Mwami Mwenda-Bantu Godefroid Munongo Junior.

It is impossible in the Congo or in Zambia or in Angola or in Gabon or elsewhere in Africa that someone can claim to be from a village without being known by the other families of the same village. All the families of a village – and their descendants – know each other. Moïse Katumbi, born in Kashobwe on December 28, 1964, is indeed a Congolese of origin who has not stopped, since a young age, to express, to prove his great love for his country – “love n does not exist, there are only proofs of love”, goes the saying – by his attachment to his land, in particular by his enormous plantations, by the many buildings built across the country (hospitals, schools, orphanages,… ) – Moïse Katumbi has made his village a modern town -, through his various companies which have provided work here and there, and above all through his closeness to his compatriots and sharing with them, without distinction of ethnic or racial origin, what he is and what he has. This is what it seems to us to be a real Congolese.

Someone Lokondo



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#Moses #Katumbi #Chapwe #Independent #Congo

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