Who is Raquel Serur Smeke? Ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador declared persona non grata

by times news cr

2024-04-11 17:33:04

The ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador, Raquel Serur Smeke, was declared as persona non grata after the statements of the Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), but who is it? We give you all the details of his political career.

This was announced by the government of Ecuador, headed by Daniel Noboaon the afternoon of Thursday, April 4, through a statement from the Chancellery, shared through your official X account.

Following the statements of the first president of Mexico, Ecuador decided to take this measure based on the article 9 from Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

This precept indicates that “every person may be declared non grata or not acceptable before it reaches the territory of the receiving State.”

Given the declaration, President AMLO announced that The Armed Forces will go for the Mexican ambassador in Ecuador today, Friday, April 5.

But who is Raquel Serur Smeke, the Mexican ambassador to Ecuador declared persona non grata? We give you the details of her personal and professional life, as well as AMLO’s sayings that led the government of Ecuador to undertake these measures.

Who is Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador?

Raquel Serur Smeke is a researcher and professorwho was named as ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador by the AMLO government in October 2019.

How old is Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador?

Currently, it is unknown birthdate of Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador, so it is impossible to know her age.

Does Raquel Serur Smeke have a husband? We know this about his romantic partner

Although it is not known if she currently has a romantic partner, Raquel Serur Smeke’s husband was the now deceased philosopher from Ecuador, Bolívar Echeverría.

Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador and Bolívar Echeverría (Especial)

What zodiac sign is Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador?

Because there is no information on Raquel Serur Smeke’s date of birth, it is not possible to know the Zodiac sign to which the ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador belongs.

How many children does Raquel Serur Smeke, Mexican ambassador to Ecuador, have?

Raquel Serur Smeke was married to the philosopher Bolivar Echeverriawith whom he had two children in 1984 and 1986 respectively, according to information from La Jornada, although Their identities are unknown.

What did Raquel Serur Smeke, Mexican ambassador to Ecuador, study?

Raquel Serur Smeke studied her degree in English Language and Literature by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM.

The ambassador also has a Master’s degree in Spanish Letters at the Maximum House of Studies and completed his studies from Doctorate in Lettersaccording to information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador

Raquel Serur Smeke, ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador (Especial)

What has Raquel Serur Smeke worked on?

The most notable position in which Raquel Serur Smeke has worked was when she became Mexico’s ambassador to Ecuador in June 2019.

Although her professional career has been focused on education, Raquel Serur Smeke also worked as full professor in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters from the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Likewise, he began his performance as teacher in said Faculty since August 1976 to 2000where she became a full professor.

Due to her curricular experience, Raquel Serur Smeke has received invitations from prestigious institutions such as the Braudel Center de la New York State University Campus Binghamtonin the University of California Irvine and in the Latin American Institute of the Freie Uníversitát Berlin.

Raquel Serur

Raquel Serur (Binational Chamber of Commerce Ecuador Mexico)

Raquel Serur Smeke will be repatriated today, Friday, April 5; AMLO assures

President AMLO reported that the ambassador of Mexico in Ecuador Raquel Serur Smeke will be repatriated today Friday April 5th.

From AMLO’s morning conference he stressed that Mexico will not break relations with Ecuador and will not declare Ecuador’s ambassador in Mexico persona non grata.

Furthermore, it indicates that provisionally, in a Mexican mission will remain in charge in the Mexican diplomatic representation in Ecuador.

AMLO shared that they will be the Armed Forces of Mexico who carry out the task of returning Raquel Serur Smeke to the countrywhom he described as an “exceptional person and a first-rate intellectual.”

“We are not going to break relations nor are we going to do the same with the Ambassador of Ecuador. Let’s go look for Raquel Serur. “Today I gave instructions for the Air Force to help us and bring our Ambassador, who is also an exceptional person, a first-class intellectual.”


What did AMLO say? Due to his statements, Ecuador declares Raquel Serur Smeke persona non grata

According to the information card of the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, the decision to declare as persona non grata to Raquel Serur Smeke, originated in the sayings of the president of Mexico, AMLO.

These statements by AMLO took place during his presidential morning conference known as “Morning” of the April 3.

Here, AMLO spoke about the Ecuador elections held in 2023where he hinted at irregularities in the electoral process, where the murder of the candidate Fernando Villavicenciocaused a turn in the fightaccording to the president of Mexico.

According to AMLO, the candidate Luisa González was ahead in the polls, although the murder of her opponent caused the electoral fall of the standard bearer of progressive forces, leading the current president to victory Daniel Noboa.

“There were elections in Ecuador, the candidate of the progressive forces was about 10 points ahead, 10 points (…) So, a candidate who speaks badly of the candidate who is on top is suddenly assassinated, and the candidate who was on top falls, and the candidate who was in second rises”

AMLO, president of Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico (Daniel Augustus)

2024-04-11 17:33:04

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