Who is Susana Prieto, the congresswoman who accused Morena of making her life a living hell?

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Susana Prieto Terrazas She is the deputy who He resigned from Morena due to lack of support for the 40-hour work week; we present you everything from their professional profile to their zodiac sign.

Susana Prieta Terrazas, presented since 2022 the initiative to reform article 123 of the constitution in labor matters, with which proposes that Mexican workers have two days of rest for every five days worked.

The initiative was passed to a decision in April 2023, after being approved by the Labor and Social Security Commission, which was paused by the open parliament, where It was analyzed whether or not its approval was advisable.

Faced with this situation, Susana Prieto Terrazas called on Mexican workers who agreed with the 40-hour work day, to speak out through social networks with the hashtag “I’m in for 40 hours.”

In addition, he called for a demonstration outside the Chamber of Deputies where workers expressed their wishes to have two days of rest, on November 6, 2023.

However, more than a year after presenting her proposal, Susana Prieto’s legislative outlook has changed considerablywell now already outside Morenahas claimed to be the victim of various attacks by the Morena party.

For this reason, we will tell you below Who is Susana Prieto Terrazas?.

Who is Susana Prieto?

Susana Prieto Terrazas, is the deputy who gave up Morenawhere she is a member of the Constitutional Affairs, Labor and Social Security, where she is Secretary, and Housing Committees.

How old is Susana Prieto?

Susana Prieto Terrazas was born on December 19, 1966so it currently has 57 years old.

Who is Susana Prieto’s husband?

He husband of Susana Prieto, the deputy who resigned from Morena due to lack of support for the 40-hour work day, is Raul Pena.

Susana Prieto Terrazas (Internet socket)

What zodiac sign is Susana Prieto?

Being born on December 19th, the zodiac sign to which Susana Prieto belongs is Sagittarius.

How many children does Susana Prieto have?

There is no information regarding whether the deputy Susana Prieto who resigned from Morena, has or does not children.

Who is Susana Prieto, the congresswoman who accused Morena of making her life a living hell?

Susana Prieto Terrazas (especial)

What did Susana Prieto study?

Susana Prieto Terrazas studied Bachelor of Laws at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, and has another in Public Accounting, by the same educational institution.

What are Susana Prieto’s proposals?

One of the most notable proposals of the deputy Susana Prietohas been the initiative that seeks to reduce the 40-hour work week.

However, the legislator who resigned from Morena due to lack of support has also promoted other proposals such as:

  • The prohibition of depriving minority trade union organisations that have not been recognised as the most representative
  • Decent vacation that cannot be less than twelve working days
  • Eliminate income tax on workers who earn twice the minimum wage or less.

What has Susana Prieto worked on?

In addition to having been sworn in in August 2021, the federal deputy has also served as:

  • Trial Lawyer
  • Workers’ Defender in Matamoros, Tamaulipas
  • Leader of the 20/32 Labor Movement
Susana Prieto Terrazas

Susana Prieto Terrazas (Susana Prieto Facebook.)

Susana Prieto attacks Morena and accuses the party of making her life hell

The deputy Susana Prieto pointed directly to Juan Ramiro Robledo to deny him without any reason the right to speak in the discussion on the reform of the Judicial Branch in Committees.

For this reason he claimed to be a victim of political violence by Morena, in retaliation who resigned from the cherry party bench last February of this year 2024.

He accused that since then his advisers They don’t receive payments which are agreed upon, in addition to the fact that Morena would be refusing to pay her subsidies.

Susana Prieto He also stated that unjustifiably was expelled of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, without prior notice was denied the possibility of participating.

Due to these attacks against the legislator exploded against Morena: “I’m fed up with what they’ve done to me.”

Susana Prieto He reiterated that after the delay in the reform of the 40-hour work week, it was in accordance with the workers that he submitted his resignation to the Morena bench, although this decision has brought with it various consequences, among which he asserted that he is denied your participation in the debates.

He said that in terms of the reform to the Judicial Branch he presented more than 20 reservationswhich he was prevented from presenting.

She criticised the fact that she was deliberately expelled from the Commissions in order to deny her the right to speak, criticising that this situation has made her life “a fucking hell”.

From that moment on (his resignation from Morena in February), they have made my life a fucking hell in this Chamber of Deputies.”

Susana Prieto

Susana Prieto resigns from Morena due to lack of support for reduction of working hours

During the afternoon of Thursday, February 28, the deputy Susana Prieto announced that resigned a Morenawhich is why it will now legislate accordingly independent.

Through a press conference, Susana Prieto accused having lived a “hell” and various ““humiliations” since it began lucha to boost the initiative which seeks to reduce the working day at 40 hours per week.

The former Morena deputy also regretted that the project discussion could be postponed until after March 2024the month in which it was agreed to continue the debate.

“It seems that this is a project that is moving away from reality day by day (…) it seems that there will not even be a vote in March”

Susana Prieto

While Susana Prieto said that although she will not return to the “partisan politics”, will continue working for the approval of the working day 40 hours become a reality.

“I will put my heart and soul into ensuring that this initiative is finally voted for by 57 million workers”

Susana Prieto

Susana Prieto Terrazas cried after deputies delayed the 40-hour work day

The Morena deputy, Susana Prieto Terrazas burst into tears by informing the workers that the discussion of the 40-hour work week, was delayed until the next regular period.

Susana Prieto Terrazas had announced that the close attempt to discuss the issue in the Chamber of Deputies It would be Tuesday, December 12, 2023.

However, no agreement was reached in the Lower House, for which reason a new commission to analyze the initiative.

Although moments later, the Morena deputies gave a new blow to the reform promoted by Susana Prieto and announced that its discussion will be until March 2024.

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Even I cried 😭 with the delay in the discussion to reduce the work day from 48 to 40 hours 😤” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Even I cried 😭 with the delay in the discussion to reduce the work day from 48 to 40 hours 😤”>

Susana Prieto Terrazas, politically persecuted in Tamaulipas

It should be noted that Susana Prieto Terrazas was considered a politically persecuted person in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Well, the lawyer She was arrested in 2020after participating in a rally on March 10 in front of the Matamoros Conciliation and Arbitration Board in defense of workers’ labor rights.

According to the above, Susana Prieto Terrazas was arrested for crimes committed against public servants, riot, threats and coercion of individualsafter being identified as a key piece of the 20/32 labor movement.

In this movement, Susana Prieto Terrazas, as a labor lawyer, supported workers to demand better working conditions, Among which the following stand out:

  • Salary increase beyond 176 pesos declared by the federal government (2020)
  • The payment of an annual bonus of 32 thousand pesos supported by an agreement attached to the collective contracts as payment of the salary difference for salary increases decreed at the national level

Finally, 3 months after being arrested, Susana Prieto Terrazas was released after being in preventive detention, after she was ordered:

  • Abandon Tamaulipas
  • Grant compensation of 66 thousand pesos to the victims
  • The ban on going abroad
  • Locate your residence in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

Susana Prieto denounces political gender violence; accuses Ignacio Mier

Susana Prieto also reported having been victim of political gender violenceaccusing the coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies, Ignacio Mier.

“I have been a victim of political violence based on gender and this political violence comes mainly from federal deputy Ignacio Mier Velazco”

Susana Prieto, former Morena deputy

In this sense, the now former Morena deputy predicted that Ignacio Mier will refer to her as a “great friend”, Despite the obstacles imposed on his initiative reduce the working day to 40 hours.

“He will call me as a great friend, since he is a great politician, but everyone has witnessed what has happened with my initiative to reduce the working week from 48 to 40 hours”

Susana Prieto, former Morena deputy

Susana Prieto also stated that in order to advance in legislative matters, it is necessary to have “political connections”.

“They picked me up from the street and I’m going back to the street (…) with my head held high because I have always fought for the working class and this will not be an obstacle. I cannot continue to follow this farce”

Susana Prieto, former Morena deputy

It should be noted that the now independent deputy inquired that despite no longer being in line with the ideals of Morena, she will continue to be “workshop worker”.

For this reason, Susana Prieto announced that on Monday, March 4, she will present an initiative to Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) which seeks to eliminate the collection of income tax to workers who earn twice the minimum wage the least.

“No income tax should be charged to workers who earn twice the minimum wage or less, the 20% salary increase was pulverized because with that amount they deduct 17% of the income tax”

Susana Prieto, former Morena deputy

2024-08-28 07:08:28

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