Who is the Argentine priest who was kicked out of his parish in Peru after demanding the resignation of Dina Boluarte | Luis Humberto Béjar has already left the neighboring country and is in La Pampa

by time news

The Argentine priest Luis Humberto Bejar he was expelled from the parish of the district of Pucaráin the Peruvian region of Puno, for speaking out in favor of the resignation of President Dina Boluarte and having condemned the deaths of more than 40 demonstrators in the massive protests against the government that took power after the eventful departure of Pedro Castillo. in a video of TikTokBéjar had said that the only way for the country to be pacified was with the resignation of Boluarte.

Through a letter the Bishop of Puno, Jorge Pedro Carrionhe asked bejar that he present his resignation to the parish of Pucará and take a break. “Your recklessness is causing serious damage to the church and a feeling against him grows ”, warns the letter from Carrión.

bejar He responded to the request by resigning from the parish of Pucará and, in turn, requesting an indefinite sabbatical year. The Argentine priest explained that he came out to pronounce himself regarding the political situation due to the events of January 9 in Juliacawhere 18 protesters and a police officer died amid fierce police repression.

From the province of The Pampawhere he arrived on a flight this Monday, the priest also spoke in favor of early elections and the approval of a new Constitution. He described power groups as disastrous and supported the Runasur forum proposed by the former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales. This is the first case of a foreign priest leaving Peru after speaking out in tune with the protesters calling for Boluarte’s resignation.


#Juliaca #Crisis #ParrocodePucara Hno. Luis Humberto Bejar agradece la solidaridad del pueblo que respaldó su posición, tomará un año sabático, ante amenazas de detención y atentado contra su integridad personal. Fuerza Hno. Luis Humberto Bejar. Siempre respaldaremos tu labor y posición ciudadana con los sectores más postergados. ¡Jallalla Lucho¡ ¡Kawsachum Hno Lucho¡.

♬ sonido original – Abel Villalba

“I was encouraged to say that peace will be achieved with the resignation of the current president. I don’t regret saying that and I would say it 50 more times. In three hours, if I’m not mistaken, 17 people were murdered, another one dying in the following days, because she was wounded, ”Béjar told the Associated Press agency.

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