Who killed Cecilia Strzyzowski? Politics, femicide and clientelism in deep Argentina

by time news

2023-06-21 10:09:55

Who killed Cecilia Strzyzowski? The question rattles loudly during these hours in Argentina: nobody knows where the young woman has been buried or cremated. Society can go from naturalization to fright. The poverty has been installed in the streets of the city of Buenos Aires, where more and more people sleep. The indigence it is part of a normalized landscape. Femicide no. Therefore, what happened in the Chaco provincewhose capital, Resistencia, is located 935 kilometers north of the capital, touches the nerves of almost an entire country and even crosses ideological trenches.

The first semester has thrown the amount of 99 femicides in Argentina. Last year 252 were perpetrated. The recurrence, with its macabre charge, generated in 2015 the creation of the Ni una menos collective. Their massive mobilizations They realized a cultural change. The gender violence it is now a national matter. But the waves of indignation and the judicial adaptations have not stopped the murders, especially in the most backward provinces.

He ‘caso Strzyzowski’ brings other additions. Her fate revives a flame of indignation that a similar precedent had during the 1990s in a nearby province, Catamarca, where a teenager, Maria Soledad Morales, she was raped and murdered by a group of young people whose families were part of her elite. Three decades ago there was talk of the Catamarcan governor, Luis Saadi. In the present, the scandal explodes near Jorge Capitanich, who performs the same functions in the Chaco. Both are Peronists. The past and the present are connected through relations of leadership and the political perks.

The history

It all started at the beginning of June. Strzyzowski he had gone with his partner, Cesar Seine, to the house of his in-laws. Then came a black hole. The young woman’s family began a desperate search and ran into a wall of silence, perhaps because of what the name of the victim’s husband’s parents was at stake: Emerenciano Sena and Marcela Acuña. Is about social leaders who amassed territorial power and personal money. The three Sena have been arrested. “I was not at the scene (of the crime)“, the son has unmarked. “I have not been”, the father stammered. The mother was silent.

a troubled relationship

The rise of Emerenciano Seine it took place under the administrations of Cappitanich, a former chief of ministers of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who, even before the crime, outlined timid presidential aspirations. The governor has been best man at Cesar Sena’s wedding and a financier of the political-personal adventures of the head of the clan. He is now a prisoner of anger. Not recently, he only had praise for Sena senior. “In life you choose every day between good and evil, and you opted for good and build a message of hope for all those who one day were plunged into despair,” Capitanich told him when he presented the book of self-praise which he had written with his wife.

Relations have been so close that Emerenciano Sena and his group raised Capitanich’s candidacy in the primaries last Sunday, with a ruinous result for the provincial executive authority. an avalanche of blank votes it reflected the social astonishment (it has only paid 58% of the register) and gave the right the possibility of obtaining first place in the race.

The enigma

But who killed Cecilia Strzyzowski? The family only heard from the authorities that her daughter has died. However, the body does not appear and that uncertainty also has a dramatic record in a country where the figure of the disappeared it has been counted by thousands during the last dictatorship. Justice has raided fields and farms. Its effectiveness has been put under scrutiny. The relationship between the courts and the Executive in many Argentine provinces is very close.

“I am Catholic and I can die in peace”, Emerenciano Sena had said in 2017, when he visited Pope Francis and released the photo of that meeting in the Vatican. His figure sheds a clearer light on another painful aspect. In a country with 40% poor, some representatives of the dispossessed have benefited economically in their role as mediators and partners with the State in the social conflict management: They handle public money and control the anger. Last Friday, when the Sena were already behind bars, the Chaco State had sent them a huge amount of money for their social initiatives.

Other referrals

Sena has built a popular barro on the outskirts of Endurance with streets that are called The streets are called Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and Commander Che Guevara, among other. The urbanization had been baptized with the name of its founder. The 300 families that inhabit it do not give credit to what happens to them. Fearing stigmatization, they erased all Sena marks in the public space. The murder widened another disturbing floodgate: that of hate speech against the poor that the extreme right had opened in the mouth of its presidential candidate, Javier Milei, but also of the traditional right grouped in the Together for Change coalition, the favorite, in principle. in the October elections.

The conservative spectrum has not spared accusations of political patronage to talk about the ‘Strzyzowski case’. But those accusations have become partly a boomerang for him. the too northern province of Jujuy It is at this time the scene of a major political crisis. your governor, Gerardo Moraleshas tried to carry out a constitutional reform that limits street protest and, furthermore, is harmful to the original towns. The bullets responded to the collective rejection. The events in Chaco and Jujuy are at one point brothers, although for different reasons. Morales, who aspires to be a vice-presidential candidate for one of the right-wing champions, has designated 38 relatives in the state structure. He nepotism is another of the faces of the Argentine political crisis.

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