WHO National Day for Healthcare Safety – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ANCONA, 20 SEPTEMBER – The Marche Region has been committed for several years to ensuring high standards of quality of services through the construction of a safety system at regional and corporate level. Every year the WHO chooses a theme to celebrate the World Day for the Safety of Patient Care and the thematic area proposed for 2024 is related to the improvement of diagnostic processes (“Improving diagnosis for patient safety”).
On September 17, 2024, the Regional Coordination of Health Risk and Patient Safety, established at the Marche Regional Health Agency, in line with the Clinical Risk Coordination of the Health Commission of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, gave space to a local initiative to raise awareness, knowledge and civic involvement for the improvement of patient safety by organizing a training and information event that took place at Palazzo Li Madou in Ancona.
The “National Day for the Safety of Care and of the Person Assisted”, created to underline that the safety of care is an integral part of the right to health, was established by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in 2019 to promote attention and information on the topic through communication and awareness initiatives. The date, September 17, coincides, in fact, with the World Patient Safety Day, promoted internationally by the WHO.
The activities carried out at regional level and in healthcare companies include analysis, assessment and prevention of risks, application and monitoring of good safety practices, management of adverse events and support and remedial actions for any negative events that may occur.
The training event began with institutional greetings from the director of the Regional Health Agency (Ars) Flavia Carle, who underlined the fundamental importance of having a correct and timely diagnosis to guarantee patient safety and improve health outcomes.
The day’s program saw the participation of illustrious speakers moderated by Giovanni Lagalla, director of the Hospital Assistance, Emergency-Urgency and Research sector of the ARS, and the connection with the national event organized by the Ministry of Health.
The event, which saw the participation of healthcare professionals from the Regional Health Service Health Authorities involved in various capacities in the implementation of clinical-care processes, was an opportunity to represent the local initiative organized by the Regional Center for Health Risk Management (CeRGeRS) belonging to the ARS of the Marche Region.
The Presidents of the participation committees spoke at the round table, underlining the importance of improving the safety of healthcare activities and the information that citizens have the right to receive from the services of the Regional Health System. (ANSA).

2024-09-20 20:11:06

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