Who ordered the “execution” of Cherubin Okende? – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-07-13 22:52:03

Is organized crime about to take hold in Congo-Kinshasa? The lifeless body – riddled with bullets – of the former Minister of Transport and Communication, Cherubin Okende Senga, 62, was found on Thursday July 13 in his Lexus 4X4 on the heavy goods road. And this in pure mafia style. The unfortunate man still had his seat belt fastened. Who took the life of this deputy of the party “Together for the Republic” of Moïse Katumbi? What is the motive? Who benefits from the crime? Needless to say, accusing fingers are pointed at the incumbent regime. Not a word on mobile. Fragmented information from relatives of “Cherubin” suggest that he was no longer in the odor of sanctity in this political formation.


“It’s sad, it’s a political assassination”… declared Moïse Katumbi Chapwe on RFI from Abidjan where he participated in the 45th ordinary general assembly of the CAF (African Football Confederation). The president of TP Mazembe did not stop there: “Whoever did this will not go unpunished. […] . Where is the rule of law if you have to kill someone if they don’t agree with the situation in which the country operates?. Katumbi to hammer that “We will carry out an independent investigation to find out the truth. We no longer trust our institutions..

From the city of Kindu, in Maniema, where he is, the former Prime Minister, Augustin Matata Ponyo, continues: “I denounce with the utmost energy the assassination of Cherubin Okende, collaborator of Moïse Katumbi. This is all the more serious as he would have been kidnapped within the precincts of the Constitutional Court. Who would have believed it! We have returned to a regime of terror and unspeakable dictatorship.. In fact, Okende had not set foot in the facilities of the Constitutional Court. He had instructed his bodyguard to drop off a letter to Judge Sylvain Lumu’s secretary.

President of ASADHO (African Association for Human Rights), Jean-Claude Katende called on the government of “Prime” Sama Lukonde “to use all State means to get to the truth about the assassination of Cherubin Okende. I condemn this act and demand that its perpetrators be identified and brought to justice.”.


In Kinshasa, the Communication Unit of the Presidency reports that the Head of State has “urges the judicial authorities to shed full light on this case in order to punish the perpetrators of this despicable act”.

Rightly or wrongly, voices are being raised on social networks accusing the political power of being the “sponsor” of this unanimously condemned homicide. And that some describe with unbearable lightness as a “state crime”. The assertion is not followed by demonstration.

Towards the end of the afternoon of this Thursday, July 13, the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation, Firmin Mvondé Mambu, held a press briefing. Essentially, he confirmed that Cherubin Okende was shot dead. A weapon was found in his vehicle. According to the head of the public prosecutor’s office in the DRC, a first suspect is under interrogation. This is a relative of the deceased. “Investigators already have serious clues in their hands”underlined the PG Mvondé warning all the peddlers of false noises on the level of the social networks. “The prosecution will be ruthless”.

The judge at the Constitutional Court, Sylvain Lumu, had invited, Thursday, July 13, the former minister Okende to a “working session” around his declaration of assets. And this in accordance with article 99 of the Constitution. This text states in particular: “Before taking up their duties and upon their expiry, the President of the Republic and the members of the government are required to file before the Constitutional Court the written declaration of their family patrimony, listing their movable property, including shares , shares, bonds, other securities, bank accounts, their immovable property, including undeveloped land, forests, plantations and agricultural land, mines and all other immovable property with indication of the relevant titles”.


Cinquantenaire Hospital

On Thursday, the mortal remains of MP Okende were deposited at the Morgue of the Cinquantenaire hospital. Witnesses were surprised to see several apparatchiks of the kabilist movement in this place. This is particularly the case of: Jaynet Kabila, Francine Muyumba, India Omari and Felix Kabange Numbi. The interested parties justify their presence as a sign of “solidarity between the deputies of the opposition”. Attempt to recover? The murderer always returns to the scene of the crime?

In addition to his political activities, Cherubin Okende Senga was an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Kinshasa. The man was a stickler for principles. Co-founder of the Alliance for the Presidential Majority (AMP) who supported the candidacy of “Joseph Kabila” in the presidential elections of 2006 and 2011, the lawyer did not hesitate to slam the door of Kabilie following “adrift of leadership” between 2012 and 2013.

An audio recording came, Thursday July 13, to throw the confusion in the spirits. What is it about? This is a sound element obviously made by someone close to the Okende family. We hear tears, followed by these words spoken by a woman: “Dad, you told us that you were no longer in the odor of sanctity in the Ensemble for the Republic”.

Communicator of the Sacred Union of the Nation, lawyer Joël Kitenge, assures that “Cherubin” had been trying for a month to obtain an audience with President Felix Tshisekedi. Did “someone” want to prevent him from “speaking”? Who? “The answer to this question will lead the investigators on the trail not only of the sponsor of the crime but also of the assassinassures, hand on heart, a Fatshist. Okende did not bother Felix Tshisekedi in any way. The head of state had no interest in his disappearance.. To be continued…

Baudouin Amba Wetshi



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