Who represents Israel’s ‘real’ right wing? Listen to Election Overdose – Haaretz Podcast

by time news

## Podcast Transcription – September 1, 2022

Our guest this week is Knesset Member Yossi Shain, who joins the podcast​ to discuss how his party, Yisrael⁢ Beitenu, is preparing for the upcoming November election. Shain argues that the right-wing ⁢secular party ​is led by ⁤Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, not the religious and far-right alliance⁣ that recently merged under pressure from former⁢ Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Shain also explains how Lieberman, known for his harsh statements towards Israeli Arab politicians, found himself in a coalition with⁤ Mansour Abbas of the United Arab List. While Lieberman hasn’t changed his views, Abbas recognized Israel as a Jewish state, ‍enabling cooperation between the two parties.

In other news,‌ Meretz elected Zehava Gallon as their new leader. Prime Minister Yair Lapid recently had a‌ private⁢ meeting ‌with President Biden to discuss ⁢Iran, while Israel narrowly averted a⁣ potential teacher strike before the‌ new school year. But will these events influence ⁢voter decisions come November?

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