Who suffers more in a love triangle, the wife or the mistress?

by time news

2023-05-08 01:49:31

discover an infidelity It is so painful that it “burns our souls” because, from one moment to the next, we take off the “blindfold” to realize that this person, whom we thought incapable, betrayed our trust, opening a crack in the heart that doesn’t heal so easily, but who suffers more in a love trianglethe wife or the mistress?

Establish agreements in a relationship, it is essential to know where we are standing and if we can row in the same direction. When the relationship is monogamousa exclusivity with the coupletherefore, discover a infidelity it breaks our hearts because trust, honesty and commitment are broken.

According to an article published by the International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, infidelity or the famous ‘love triangle‘, can involve emotional or sexual situations with a person outside the agreement of the relationship that you have with the couple.

Who suffers more in a love triangle, the wife or the lover?/ Photo: iStock

What is better the wife or the mistress?

It is not healthy to make a comparison between the wife and the lover, since both people deserve respect. Although the love triangle it can cause pain and suffering, it is the infidel who must make a decision to determine with whom he will maintain the relationship and who he will release.

Who suffers more in a love triangle?

In a love triangle It can be a bit difficult to determine who suffers more, if the wife o to lover, since all the people involved can experience different intense and painful emotions. Each person can have different relationship prospectsbut for those who discover the infidelity may suffer the following:

  • Emotional pain: the wounded couple feels deep pain because of disappointment, sadness to see the true face of their partner.
  • Anxiety: there is no certainty about the relationship, nor the future that holds for them and that generates anxiety in the injured person.
  • Anger: there is anger and resentment about the partner for having been unfaithful.
  • Confusion: You may struggle to understand the situation, but not with the thought of knowing that your partner was with someone else.
  • Loss of trust: although you may struggle to trust your partner again, the truth is that trust is one of the pillars for a relationship to work, the problem is that once it breaks, it is difficult to build it again, especially if the cheater is not willing to be patient or accept his mistakes during the process.

Who suffers more in a love triangle, the wife or the lover?/ Photo: iStock

As for the mistress, knowing that she is in a love triangle is capable of developing a type of insane love that leads her to continue with the relationship, many times with the hope of becoming the ‘main label’, despite being a complicated relationship, but also experience the following emotions:

  • Guilt: You might feel guilty about getting involved with someone who is not free, knowing that you are also responsible for the pain that may be caused to your primary partner.
  • Anxiety: she worries about the existence of the main partner, she knows that afterwards she is the one who stays at home with the lover and that could cause her to develop anxiety.
  • Jealousy: You may feel insecure of the main partner because you do not know the reason why the lover cannot leave his partner.
  • Frustration: You could develop this negative emotion by not having a ‘normal relationship’, by not being the one you brag about and being in the shadow of your main partner.

Who suffers more in a love triangle, the wife or the lover?/ Photo: iStock

Although it is true that when lover knows the situation that lives, in reality, the person who bears the greatest responsibility is the couple who is unfaithful because they are the ones who decided perform the deceptionFinally, breaking trust is the one who has a commitment of loyalty to you and no one else.

He unfaithful he is never innocent, no matter how much he wants to deflect his guilt by thinking that he was “swept on” or seduced by a “creeper”, he simply decided to betray that fidelity pact when getting into a love triangleknowing that you would be hurt by his decision.

Be the reason that led to the lover to fall in love with the wrong person when choosing a married manIn reality, she lives waiting for the recognition of love, to go to public events with her partner and to be recognized by her family, friends, but it does not happen because the unfaithful is not in a position to give her recognition.

Who suffers more in a love triangle, the wife or the lover?/ Photo: iStock

Although they are different sufferings when it comes to the wife or the lover, the wife experiences the pain of betrayal, maybe discovering the love triangle You may feel that your world is ending, but after a while you are able to recover and learn to love yourself because self-love is the only thing that will help you heal your heart.

In the case of the lovercould have a self esteem so low which is why she is attracted to someone who can’t give her a complete love. You live in a relationship where you are not a priority, your low self-esteem leads her to stay there waiting for a change that becomes an ordeal.

Who suffers more in a love triangle, the wife or the lover?/ Photo: iStock

What does the mistress have that the wife does not?

A lover has no social status, is a secret relationship family, friends and wife. However, a married man He who has a lover may be attracted to the idea that she will always be available to him because she is waiting to have encounters with the unfaithful.

now that you know who suffers more in a love triangleif the wife or the lover, what do you think?

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