“Who wants to be a millionaire?” moderator with nasty tips: Günther Jauch lost patience with IT | Entertainment

by time news

Was that still funny or pretty nasty?

If “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”-Candidate Isabel Neumerkel sitting in the council chair on Monday evening could do it Günther Jauch (66) obviously not going fast enough. Because the author from Halle (Saale) took a little longer with her answers, the moderator fired off one tip after the other.

She was in the quiz show for the second time, advised herself last week up to 4000 euros. The candidate still had three of her four jokers. With the help of a friend on the phone, she cracked the next question relatively quickly. Nevertheless, Jauch stepped on the gas. He: “Now they have answered each other warmly. Now the answer to this question comes DIRECTLY for 16,000.”

Next, he wanted to know which famous mountain is known for its near-perfect cone shape. The choices were Fuji (right), Montblanc, Table Mountain, and Uluru. This time Neumerkel had to think a little longer and guessed what Jauch would like most. Halle resident: “Definitely take a joker, which makes you happy and saves time.”

When she asked if he knew the answer, the quiz master teased: “It’s easy because you only have to imagine the shape.” With her counterattack, Neumerkel then creamed off at least a few laughs. She: “Of course it would be easier if something was asked, which I also know.” A man in the audience finally helped her to give the correct answer Fudschijama.

Liked to take her time with her answers: Candidate Neumerkel

Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowis

Jauch’s hope: “Now they only have the 50/50 joker. That could speed up the process.” His question for 32,000 euros: “Who recently published the essence of more than three decades of his work, The Liechtenstein Tapes’?” Gerhard Richter, Julian Assange, Die Fantastischen Vier (right) or Dan Brown.

Again, the candidate had no clue and went through all the possible answers verbosely. Günther Jauch impatiently commented on each of her thoughts with “Yes” or “Hm”. When Julian Assange and Die Fantastischen Vier stopped after the 50/50 joker, he imitated Neumerkel’s torrent of words. Jauch pointed: “As a result, she doesn’t know at all.”

He categorically rejected her request for a little help, only explaining to the young woman who Julian Assange was when she asked. When she started with “The problem is…”, the quiz master got too carried away. He let his candidate know with a wink: “The problem is YOU at the moment.”

The moderator even jokingly considered introducing an egg clock in the future. “Every thirty seconds, ten percent of the winnings are deducted from home.” At some point, Neumerkel finally logged the Fantastischen Vier correctly and was right. Meanwhile, Jauch already had a new idea to get his candidate going.

He held up his water glass and said: “You have to give the right answer to the next question before I’ve drunk it.” On Neumerkel’s suspicion that he wanted to get rid of her, Jauch responded with an honest “Yes!”. His luck: when asked the 64,000 euro question, she got out and the moderator actually still had some water in the glass.

In the end, his candidate took home 32,000 euros. She wants to use the money to take a break from her job

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