“Who wants to be a millionaire” with a huge glitch: the quiz has to be interrupted | Entertainment

by time news

This has never happened before!

In the Easter special of “ who wants to be a millionaire“ A technical glitch paralyzed the entire quiz on Sunday evening. The amazed moderator Günther Jauch (66) first made fun of the editors – but then revealed some spicy details of his traffic sins to bridge the involuntary quiz break.

Technology chaos about wrong answers

Luca Demirel (25) from Mönchengladbach had decided to take the big bucks home with him. The student teacher had solved the selection question in a record-breaking 2.3 seconds and then cheered so loudly that Günther Jauch flinched.

“My goodness, it’s bursting out of them here!” Shortly thereafter, however, Demirel had the first complaint to make – he was bothered by the fizziness of his water: “Could I maybe get a still water? I prefer that. Is that possible?” Jauch joked about the production: “You know, the budgets … It’s getting a little more difficult with this show.”

Luca and Günther Jauch use the technical breakdown and keep the audience happy with humor

Photo: RTL / Guido Engels

Günther Jauch could not have imagined how difficult it would be shortly afterwards. He read out the 200 euro question: “What term can be used to summarize empanadas, gyoza, manti, piroggi and raviolo?” D top hat defender.”

Jauch quickly remarked: “That can’t be true.” He turned to the editors and slurred with mock drunkenness: “It doesn’t matter. Throw in four solutions. Even if they have nothing to do with the question…” Candidate Demirel also joined in the fun and claimed: “I’ll take E.”

WWm Candidate Luca Demirel

WWm Candidate Luca Demirel

Photo: RTL / Guido Engels

Günther Jauch had never experienced anything like this in his career: “Never have we either. We take any question and take any answers that have nothing to do with it.” He already suspected what could happen to him in the press: “That leads to headlines like this again: huge breakdown. Huge embarrassment in ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’.”

In the meantime, the direction finally got in touch and reported that everything had gone smoothly for them: “We had the right possible answers. We’ll check.” Jauch could no longer hide his disbelief: “What is the universe doing to us? They enter other solutions upstairs, which are completely different for us!”

A new question was displayed: “Who does the football coach trust?” Now Jauch was even more desperate: “It’s completely different!” With laughter, he speculated: “Who does the football coach trust? The dumplings? The pierogi?” Apparently, this was also the wrong question, because Jauch stated shortly afterwards: “You withdrew the question again, right? Everything is blue again for me – just like you.”

Günther Jauch took the glitch with humor.  The TV presenter can't be bothered that easily

Günther Jauch took the glitch with humor. The TV presenter can’t be bothered that easily

Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowis

Jauch confesses traffic offenses

While the production was feverishly trying to bring the technology back into shape, Jauch had to bridge the time and asked his candidate Luca Demirel: “Tell a little more about home.” He revealed: “The last time I was flashed for the first time .” Jauch remembered his speed camera career: “That used to be the case for me.” He thought about how often he had been flashed in his life – and caused astonishment with his answer: “50 times. 35?”

While a loud murmur could be heard in the audience, the quiz moderator defended himself: “Sorry, I’m Asbach Uralt! You will probably be allowed to be flashed once a year. Once a year? No, not either?” He didn’t get any understanding from the audience – Jauch promptly groaned: “Oh, this political correctness gets on my nerves …”

Incidentally, Günther Jauch's first car was a VW 1600 L automatic.  He bought it for DM 1,450 at the time

Incidentally, Günther Jauch’s first car was a VW 1600 L automatic. He bought it for DM 1,450 at the time

Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowis

Outraged, he revealed the story of his last flash experience: “I was flashed last time, it’s a mess. There is a country road and then you could drive 100 and 120. And then a sign came up, it was at night, I should go down to 70. There was a traffic light ahead, but it was green. And I drive through And five or ten meters behind the 70 sign there was a town sign, but I didn’t see it that way at night, and of course I stuck to the 70! Then behind it the pillar where they tap all the poor devils.”

Günther Jauch helps Luca with the solution

Günther Jauch helps Luca with the solution

Photo: RTL / Guido Engels

However, the audience remained calm after this story and made Jauch groan again: “I thought I’d get a storm of pity here!”

Fortunately, the question monitor was working again at exactly that moment, so that Luca Demirel could continue playing. Up to the 32,000 euro question, he made it to the end of the show and can continue playing in the second special on Easter Monday.

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