WHO warns Covid is not over yet, 15 thousand deaths a week It is very dangerous after many local authorities have stopped testing for the infection.

by time news

WHO warns Covid is not over yet The cause of death is 1.4-1.5 thousand per week per week. Many countries easing genetic sequencing measures are very dangerous because they will invalidate the ability to monitor the evolution of the virus. Dangerous new species have arisen and are difficult to detect.

Issara News Agency (www.isranews.org) Report on the situation of Covid in foreign countries that the World Health Organization or WHO Has issued a warning that the situation is not over because it found that the number of deaths 14,000-15,000 weekly from COVID-19 infection

by Dr.Maria Van Kerkove, technical expert at WHO It identified an increase in the number of infections and identified the factors of the increase in deaths.

“We have to look at the world in reality. must look at where we are We shouldn’t be at the point where 14,000 to 15,000 people die a week, we shouldn’t,” Dr Kerkove said.

The first factor, said Maria, is that an increase in transmission means more hospitalizations. This is related to the number of deaths from COVID.

“The increase in transmission means more people are hospitalized. But until now, there has been no proof that subspecies of omicron covids BA.5 How can it cause serious illness? compared to other subspecies And this will be three years of plague complexity. That’s because we have reduced both testing for COVID. reduce sequencing This reduces our ability to analyze different species because we don’t have any of the information we need,” said Dr. Kerkove.

technical expert WHO Another factor to mention is the declining vaccination rate around the world. Because right now most of the population has not even received the main dose vaccine to prevent coronavirus. And this will be a driving factor for more deaths. which in the past WHO He has always emphasized that vaccinations are needed to deal with diseases caused by coronavirus.

while Mr.Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus Director WHO It said the number of infected people had soared in 110 countries around the world. which comes from the subspecies of omicron BA.4 and BA.5 This means that the plague has changed but it is not over yet.

director WHO He went on to say that the ability to track the genetic evolution of the coronavirus is under threat as countries relax surveillance and sequencing measures. This means it will be much harder to detect a new, potentially more dangerous strain of COVID.

Tedros went on to call on countries to accelerate immunizations for healthcare workers and those over 60 as soon as possible. This is because millions of people are still unvaccinated and are at risk of serious illness and death. Currently, 1.2 billion doses of the coronavirus vaccine have been distributed worldwide. The vaccination ratio in many poor countries remains just 13 percent.

“If rich countries plan to vaccinate children at least six months old and plan to vaccinate in the next round. It is incomprehensible why it is suggested that poor countries should not vaccinate and boost those at risk,” Tedros said.

Edited from: https://www.india.com/news/world/covid-deaths-rising-who-lists-two-key-factors-why-coronavirus-deaths-are-on-rise-again-5597159/

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