2024-08-02 00:57:44
TRENTO. The bear killed this morning (July 30) above Arco by a team from the Forestry Corps of the Province of Trento, who executed the decree signed yesterday evening by President Maurizio Fugatti, could be located using the Kj1 radio collar.
Kj1 had been Captured on July 23 last and then released into the wild. On that occasion she had been given the radiocollare to monitor its movements. Compared to July 16, when Kj1 had attacked a 43-year-old French tourist in Naroncolo (Dro), the bear had moved slightly to the west, in the Tenno area.
The bear Kj1 “is a 22 year old adult femalefor which 9 births were recorded, with a frequency of one every 2-3 years” and is an exemplary result “responsible in its life for various damages (68) and have been attributed to it, through genetic analysis of biological samples collected on the occasion and at the location of the events, at least 7 interactions with humansall of which occurred in the summer months.
The monitoring carried out via the radio collar had allowed us to identify the area where the bear moved: “The home range of the bear KJ1 concerns at least the municipal territory of as many as 14 municipalities that is, the municipalities of Arco, Bocenago, Comano Terme, Dimaro-Folgarida, Dro, Massimeno, Pinzolo, San Lorenzo Dorsino, Stenico, Tenno, Tione, Tre Ville, Trento, Vallelaghi, and only in the last few days, that is, starting from the radiocollar on 23 July, it has moved between the municipalities of Tenno and Arco”, we read in the preliminary report of the Wildlife Service, cited in the decree signed by Fugatti.
The bear’s range has been “estimated underestimated (since it is based only on genetic indices) in over 11,000 hectares, which is characterised by a dense network of paths and forest roads, which extend for over 250 kilometres in total with around 100 possible pedestrian accesses”.
2024-08-02 00:57:44