Who were the Montoneros? Argentine vice president asks to reopen cases involving them

by times news cr

2024-09-17 04:07:22

Argentina’s Vice President Victoria Villarruel has called for the reopening of existing cases in that country regarding crimes committed by the Montoneros in the 1970s.

The call by the Vice President of Argentina, Victoria Villarruel, to reopen the cases linked to the bloody events that took place in the 1970s by the the guerrilla group known as Montoneros.

“Argentina deserves not to be a hotbed of impunity and to do so we need to build on the foundations that are made with justice. For this reason, We will reopen all the cases of victims of terrorism, so that Justice can do what it should have done more than 20 years ago.“All the Montoneros must be in prison, answering for bloodying our Nation,” said the Argentine vice president a few days ago.

Victoria Villarruel said that “what we are doing was unthinkable 20 years ago. That we are paying tribute to the victims of terrorism seemed impossible In a country where the State praised, glorified and elevated the atrocious crimes of terrorism“.

Along the same lines, he did not hesitate to state that “it seemed utopian that there were glimmers of light of truth in the wall of pestilent darkness that Kirchnerism built about the most painful decade in our history. It was downright dangerous to denounce the crimes of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner’s protégés“, he said.

Who were the Montoneros?

The Montoneros group was a Peronist guerrilla organization that was born in the late 1960s, during a civil-military dictatorship which controlled the country and had banned all political parties.

Their first objectives were achieve the end of the dictatorship and secure the return to the country of the exiled former president Juan Domingo Perón.

Along with adhering to the idea of ​​gaining access to power through weapons, The Montoneros showed their adherence to a political program of a Peronist nature.

However, after Perón returned from exile after winning the presidential elections, The group refused to lay down their arms and continued their attacks. selective targeting anti-Peronist leaders and politicians.

This caused the relationship with the trans-Andean leader to deteriorate rapidly, to such a level that in the commemoration of May 1, 1974 Perón kicked them out of the event and called them “stupid and beardless”.

After moving away from the environment of Juan Domingo Perón, the Montoneros They increased their armed actions and sharpened political violence in Argentina.

The group during the dictatorship in Argentina

After the coup d’état of 1976 and the arrival of the military to the government, the leadership of the group went into exile, while Its members inside the country were captured and many of them disappeared..

After the return to democracy, many of the leaders returned to the country, although several had to face justice, Just as the leaders of the military junta did for crimes against humanity.

Although several were sentenced to prison, later They were all pardoned by President Carlos Menem in 1990..

Now, almost 35 years later, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, seeks to reopen the cases linked to the bloody events carried out by the Montoneros.

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