who, where, when. What to know – time.news

by time news

2023-10-06 11:11:26

by Maria Giovanna Faiella

A short guide (being updated) with practical information on the groups of people who have the right to get vaccinated or have a booster shot before others, on where and when you can get vaccinated in each Region

The vaccination campaign against Covid has officially started at a national level, with the publication of the circular from the Ministry of Health on 27 September Indications and recommendations for the 2023/2024 autumn/winter vaccination campaign against COVID-19. The doses of the updated anti-Covid vaccine (Omicron XBB 1.5, also read here) are being distributed throughout the country.
The Regions are organizing themselves for the administration of boosters (annual) or the first doses (primary cycle for the unvaccinated) to the high-risk categories who are given priority since, if they become infected with the SARS CoV 2 virus, they risk becoming seriously ill or even lose your life.

The flu vaccination campaign, as per the indications contained in the Ministerial circular Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations for the 2023-2024 seasonrecommended starting from the beginning of October and it is already possible to get vaccinated in some Regions where the doses are available (they are – or not – based on when the orders were placed by each individual Region – ed.).

But here is a short guide (being updated) with practical information on the groups of people who, before others, have the right to get vaccinated or get a booster shot, where and when you can get vaccinated in each Region (as they decide), to who to contact for advice and information.

Priority to the elderly and frail for both flu and anti-Covid

It should be remembered that for some categories both influenza and anti-Covid vaccination (or booster) are recommended, therefore co-administration is possible, according to the indications of the health authorities.

In particular, the flu vaccination is recommended and offered free of charge, as a priority, to:
– people over 60 years old;
– pregnant and postpartum women;
– long-term care patients:
– people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart and respiratory diseases or immune system problems;
– some categories of workers such as health and social-health personnel, police forces and firefighters, farmers or those who work in contact with animals, blood donors;
– children not at risk in the age range between 6 months and 6 years.

The booster dose of the anti-Covid vaccine, with the updated formulation, recommended and offered free of charge, as a priority, to the following groups:

– people aged 60 and over;
– guests of RSAs and long-term care facilities;
– pregnant or breastfeeding women or after giving birth;
– health and social care workers;
– people aged between 6 months and 59 years with high fragility, i.e. suffering from chronic pathologies that increase the risk of a serious form of COVID.

Regions (updating)

From 16 October it will be possible to boost the anti-Covid vaccine adapted to the XBB.1.5 variant.
You can get vaccinated through various channels:
– general practitioners;
– community pediatrics;
– affiliated pharmacies that participate in the vaccination campaign;
– in the various locations identified in the territory in all the provinces (for example: community houses, hospitals, clinics) which can be consulted on the websites of the individual local health authorities.
In these days we will begin to vaccinate the most fragile or at-risk population such as

residents in the Cra/RSA and health and social-health workers.


From 29 September the anti-Covid vaccination will be actively administered and offered without reservation to:
– guests in RSA (health care residences)
– Rsa operators
– hospital workers in high-risk areas (for example, haemato-oncology patients, intensive care patients, in addition to those identified by the health departments)
The methods for administering the vaccine in the subsequent phases are being defined.


The anti-flu vaccination campaign and the campaign to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia, a serious infection which is widespread especially among the over 60s and the elderly, began in Lazio on 2 October.


The flu vaccination is strongly recommended and free for:
– over 60;
– fragile people;
– children up to 6 years old.


Adults can get vaccinated:
– at the family doctor;
– at the vaccination points set up by the local health authorities;
– in the pharmacy;
– doctors, healthcare personnel, including volunteers and all essential workers in the healthcare area;
– in some cases at the workplace by the occupational doctor.
To vaccinate children, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician of your choice who will give instructions on how to carry out the vaccination at your clinic or at the Local Health Authority’s vaccination service.

WHERE TO FIND INFORMATION: on the website of your local health authority.


First phase

From 2 October they can get vaccinated:
– health and socio-health workers from local healthcare companies, hospitals, university polyclinics and IRCCS;
– professionals from RSAs and socio-health and social-welfare facilities (retirement homes and rehabilitation facilities) guests of RSAs, patients of socio-health and social-welfare facilities (retirement homes and rehabilitation facilities);
– guests of the RSAs;
patients in health and social care facilities.
Vaccination is managed by the Prevention Departments of the local health authorities in collaboration with general practitioners.

Second phase

From 16 October they will be able to access the administration:
– people over 80 years of age;
– people from 6 months to 59 years of age inclusive, with high fragility, as they suffer from pathologies or with conditions that increase the risk of serious COVID-19 (for this category access will be guaranteed and monitored by general practitioners and by paediatricians of free choice)

Third phase

From 30 October they will be able to get vaccinated:
all other segments of the population (with particular recommendation to family members, cohabitants and caregivers of people with serious frailties).

WHERE TO FIND INFORMATION TO BOOK: you can call the number 06 164161841, active from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 19.30, on Saturdays from 7.30 to 13.


The anti-flu and anti-Covid vaccination campaign (with the new updated vaccine) officially started on October 1st with vax-day dedicated to some priority categories.


From 2 October the following can access the flu vaccine:
– sanitary ware;
– hospital patients;
– Rsa guests.

From 16 October they will be able to get vaccinated:
– people who belong to the categories for which vaccination is recommended (elderly and frail based on ministerial indications, see above).


It is possible to book an appointment to get vaccinated against the flu from October 9th on the relevant portal (click Who


To get the anti-Covid vaccine, you can book on the relevant platform (click Who).

The new anti-Covid vaccine can be co-administered with the flu shot.


The vaccination campaign will start on 12 October: it will be possible to co-administer the anti-flu vaccine and the anti-Covid vaccine updated to the latest variants.

The two recommended vaccinations are almost identical for:
– people aged 60 or over;
– frail people and their family members or close contacts, guests of elderly and long-term care facilities, pregnant and post-partum women, healthcare and social-health workers.

Some categories of workers such as law enforcement, firefighters, farmers and blood donors are also provided for anti-flu.
It is always good to consult the attending physician, who knows the patient’s medical history.


The vaccine can be administered:

by family doctors and paediatricians of free choice at their own medical practice;
– in pharmacies participating in the vaccination campaign;
– at the territorially competent vaccination clinics of the hygiene and public health services of the Territorial Health Authorities (AST).


You can book:
– at the CUPs;
– in pharmacies participating in the vaccination campaign. Further information will be available on the Marche Region website (


The vaccination campaign against Covid and influenza will start on October 16, based on the recommendations made by the Ministry of Health.


co-administration of the vaccines is possible and will be available at:
– general practitioners;
– pediatricians;
– pharmacies participating in the vaccination campaign;
– vaccination centers of the local health authorities (addresses and references for appointments will be published on the websites of the local health authorities themselves and of the Region).


People who intend to get vaccinated can contact general practitioners, paediatricians and pharmacies in the area. From next week the lists of pharmacies participating in the campaign will also be available online.
Updates will be available Who).


The vaccination campaign started on 2 October with the offer of the updated anti-Covid vaccine (Omicron

From 12 October you will be able to get vaccinated against Covid and flu:
– health and socio-health workers from public and private facilities;
– pregnant women;
– caregivers of fragile people.

From 16 October the flu vaccine and the updated Covid vaccine will be offered to:
– all patients aged at least 60 years;
– people included in the list of subjects to whom the ministry has recommended vaccination (see above).


You can get vaccinated at:
– general practitioners’ clinics;
– free-choice paediatricians’ clinics;

– in one of the ASL vaccination centers (booking on the regional portal

The flu vaccination campaign for the entire population will start on October 16th. In the previous days, guests of residential care facilities will be vaccinated.

October 6, 2023 (modified October 6, 2023 | 11:14)


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