who will be affected by the pension reform?

by time news

SPECIAL REGIMES. The 2023 pension reform plans to abolish many special schemes. SNCF, EDF, RATP… We explain everything to you.

[Mis à jour le 26 janvier 2022 à 15h34] The 2023 pension reform provides for the abolition of several special schemes, making it possible to retire earlier, often before age 60, thanks to a required contribution period shorter than that of the general Social Security scheme. If the reform comes into force in the summer, the special regimes of the RATP, the gas industries or even Engie will be abolished from September 1, 2023. Please note, however, that this abolition of the special regimes will only apply to new hired, this is called: the grandfather clause. In other words, employees already in office will retain their benefits. New recruits will be affiliated to the general pension scheme.

The special regimes complete the list of Social Security regimes. These schemes are attached to a company, a public institution, or a profession. There are three main categories: the regime of the public function (national police, military), the regimes of businesses and public bodies (EDF, RATP, SNCF). And finally, the special regimes such as those of the Comédie Française, the Paris Opera, the Notary Clerks, or the Banque de France). In France, 15 special schemes exist, which represents 4,7 millions contributors. Here is the complete list of special diets:

  • The civil servants’ regime
  • The regime of the Banque de France
  • The RATP system
  • The SNCF scheme
  • The mining regime
  • The regime for staff at the Opéra National de Paris
  • The regime of the Comédie Française
  • The regime of the Autonomous Port of Bordeaux
  • The regime for sailors with the National Establishment of Naval Invalids
  • The Regime of Cults
  • Regime for Clerks and Notary Employees
  • The parliamentary system of the Senate with the independent Social Security fund of the Senate
  • The parliamentary system of the National Assembly
  • The EDF-GDF scheme for the Electricity and Gas Industries
  • The scheme for workers in State industrial establishments and the scheme for local government officials

The majority of special schemes allowing people to leave before the legal retirement age will disappear with the pension reform, from 1 September 2023. RATPthe branches of the gas industries (IEG), them Clerics et employees of notariesthe staff of the Bank of France and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cessation) will therefore see their special plans extinguished for new employees. On the other hand, the autonomous schemes which concern lawyers, the schemes for sailors, that of the Paris Opera and the Comédie Française will not be affected by this novelty relating to the pension reform.

Note that the shift in the legal retirement age will affect workers in special schemes, in the same way as the extension of the contribution period. On the other hand, civil servants will still be able to benefit from a more advantageous method of calculation. In their case, the calculation of the retirement is established on the last six months of career, and not on the 25 best years.

On September 1, 2023, if the pension reform comes into force, several special schemes will disappear. But in reality, this deletion only concerns new hires. Current employees will retain this famous special regime. This is called: the grandfather clause.

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