WHO will organize the first world summit of traditional medicine

by time news

2023-08-10 23:09:02

The first WHO Traditional Medicine Summit will be held in India and will feature high-level participants.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom said that alternative healing techniques can play a key role in making universal health coverage a reality.
During the event, the results of systematic reviews and the evidence of their clinical efficacy will be presented, as well as a world map of research created by Artificial Intelligence.

The traditional medicine It was the first form of healing that humanity had. Through the use of plants, teas and alternative methods, he focuses on curing various diseases. But although he currently has many followers, he also has a huge number of detractors. The reason is because it lacks scientific evidence and has not been shown to be really useful.

With this in mind, today the World Health Organization (WHO) made a historic announcement. It is the realization of the first Summit on Traditional Medicine and will take place on August 17 and 18, 2023.

Where will it be and what are its objectives?

This meeting will be in person at Gandhinagar, India, and aims to explore how traditional, complementary and integrative medicines help address pressing health problems and drive progress towards better health and sustainable development.

Attendees will include high-level participants such as the Director-General and Regional Directors of WHO. Also ministers of health from the G20 countries and senior leaders of countries from the six regions of the Organization, as well as scientists, health workers and representatives of civil society organizations.

health care for all

The Summit will explore ways to harness scientific advances and the potential of information-based knowledge. evidence to apply traditional medicine to improve the health and well-being of people around the world.

There will be technical discussions by scientists and other experts on research, testing and learning; policies, data and regulation; innovation and digital health; and biodiversity, equity and knowledge of indigenous peoples.

He Dr. Tedros Adhanomwho is Director General of the WHO, indicated that traditional medicine can play a key role in making universal health coverage a reality and regaining ground that, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, had been lost in the pursuit of the goals world related to health.

“Incorporating this alternative to health care in an adequate, effective and, above all, safe way, based on the most recent scientific evidence, can help to solve the deficiencies that prevent millions of people around the world from having access to it. It would be an important step towards adopting people-centred and holistic approaches to health and wellness.”

He added that this modality has helped make groundbreaking medical discoveries and continues to hold great promise. Some research disciplines such as ethnopharmacology and reverse pharmacology They could help find new, safe and clinically effective drugs, while applying new technologies in health care.

The Summit will discuss aspects of research and evaluation of the traditional medicinein particular the methods that can be used to develop a global research agenda, as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise from the 25-year experience of research in this area.

In addition, the results of systematic reviews of studies on health and traditional medicineevidence of its clinical efficacy and a global research map created using Artificial Intelligence.

With a stronger evidence base, countries will be able to establish appropriate mechanisms and policy guidance to regulate, ensure quality control, and monitor traditional medicine practices, practitioners, and products, depending on national contexts and needs. .

WHO Global Survey on Traditional Medicine, ICD-11 and Other Data

Similarly, the WHO will present the results of the Third Global Survey on Traditional Medicine which, for the first time, includes questions on the financing of complementary medicines, the health of indigenous peoples, quality assurance, traditional medicine knowledge, biodiversity, trade, integration and patient safety, among others. Another questions.

The full survey, which will be published later this year, first in an interactive online dashboard and then as a report, will serve as the basis for the new WHO Global Strategy on Traditional Medicine 2025-2034.

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