Who won the Venezuela 2024 elections? Opposition celebrates high turnout

by times news cr

2024-07-28 23:08:24

Today Sunday July 28th are carried out Venezuela elections 2024in which citizens will elect their president for the next 6 years, in accordance with article 230 of the constitution.

In these 2024 electionsthe current president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro He is seeking a new mandate, after governing the nation since 2013, when he died Hugo Chavez.

According to inhabitants and world media, the Venezuela 2024 elections could bring a change for the nation, geopolitical and for Chavismo.

Venezuela Elections 2024: Maria Corina Machado celebrates high participation

After casting her vote in Caracas, Venezuela, the leader of opposition and support from Edmundo González Urrutia, Maria Corina Machado celebrated the high participation democratic citizenship in the contest.

This taking into account that, according to María Corina Machado, around 1:00 p.m., the Venezuela elections 2024 They already had the votes of 9 million people on their electoral roll.

In all the centers of the country we are seeing an overwhelming participation and I feel very proud. We are making a dream and a fight for freedom come true. […] This is huge and if it continues like this it will be a historic figure.

Maria Corina Machado

In this sense, the opposition estimates that the high citizen participation in the Venezuelan elections of 2024, may also be synonymous with the return of thousands of migrants to the country.

And that the majority of a total of 17 million voters defend the culmination of the government of Nicolás Maduro with the opposition flag and Edmundo González Urrutia; “many will return,” he said.

Marko Cortés, leader of the PAN, was expelled from Venezuela

Marko Cortesnational leader of the National Action Party (PAN) reported on social media that he was arrested y expelled by the Bolivarian police while trying to be an electoral observer of the 2024 elections in Venezuela.

On Saturday Marko Cortés had arrived in Venezuela but was arrested by the Bolivarian police at the hotel where he was staying, although he did not give further details about his arrest.

It is unknown under what charge he was arrested and expelled from Venezuelan lands, however it is noted that He was deported to Lima, Peru.

Venezuela Elections 2024: Venezuelans vote at the Venezuelan Embassy in Mexico

In the context of the Venezuela elections 2024and Group of Venezuelans who voted at the Venezuelan Embassy in Mexico protested after exercising their right to vote. Journalist Ariadna García managed to capture video images of these expressions

Outside Schiller No. 326, in the Chapultepec Morales neighborhood of Mexico City (CDMX), the group of Venezuelans gathered with a large flag of the Latin American country under the slogans of “Freedom!” and shouts of celebration for the exercise of their vote.

Venezuela 2024 Elections: Nicolás Maduro assures that he will recognize the results

Within the framework of the Venezuela elections 2024President Nicolás Maduro exercised his right to vote during the early hours of today, Sunday, July 28; he assured that the result of the vote “It will not only be recognized, but defended, in perfect civil-military union”.

This is what the president of Venezuela said after voting in western Caracas:

“I recognize and will recognize the referee, the official bulletins, and I will ensure that they are respected. The electoral referee’s word will be holy and I call on the 10 presidential candidates, the 38 political parties, to publicly declare that they will respect the official bulletin of the organization.”

Nicolas Maduro

“Rest assured that tomorrow at this time there will be peace in Venezuela,” said Nicolás Maduro.The call for dialogue must be permanent. I believe in dialogue.”.

“I said that I would arrive in peace and in peace it arrived (the day of the vote), and if there is something to preserve and defend it is peace, harmony, coexistence among Venezuelans. It has to be a day for good to triumph in Venezuela, by doing good, which is the greatest expression of love.”

Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela Elections 2024: Voting tables open for today, Sunday, July 28

Las Venezuela 2024 elections started at 6:00 a.m. today, Sunday, July 28, when the voting tables were opened to determine the presidency of the South American country for the next 6 years.

In this process you will have the opportunity to participate More than 21 million Venezuelanswho will be able to exercise their right to vote in the 30 thousand 026 tables that were installed by the National Electoral Council throughout the national territory.

Venezuela Elections 2024: Who are the presidential candidates?

Las Venezuela elections 2024 which take place today, Sunday, July 28, throughout the country, are for elect only the office of presidentbetween 10 candidates who registered with the National Electoral Council.

But, Who are the presidential candidates in the 2024 Venezuela elections? One of them will govern for the next six years.

  • Edmundo González (MUD): opposition candidate who is leading in the polls; regarding his proposals, he promises to allow exiles to return and free political prisoners

Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (Especial)

  • Benjamín Rausseo (CONDE): comedian and businessman also known as “El Conde del Guácharo” is seeking the presidency for the second time, having run in 2007, although he withdrew from the race.
Who won the Venezuela 2024 elections? Opposition celebrates high turnout

Benjamín Rausseo, presidential candidate in the Venezuelan elections 2024 (Social networks)

  • Antonio Ecarri (Alianza del Lápiz): ​​centrist candidate (previously opposition) who guarantees tranquility, dialogue and a peace process for Venezuela, is a lawyer and former candidate as well, but for the Libertador mayor’s office in Caracas
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

Antonio Ecarri, presidential candidate in the Venezuela 2024 elections (Social networks)

  • Daniel Ceballos (Arepa): politician and agricultural engineer, founder of the political party that represents Venezuela in the 2024 elections, is the youngest of the presidential candidates and former mayor of San Cristóbal
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

Daniel Ceballos, presidential candidate in the Venezuela 2024 elections (Social networks)

  • Luis Eduardo Martínez (AD): candidate of Democratic Action, he is also an agricultural engineer, elected three times as a deputy and former governor of Monagas
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

Luis Eduardo Martínez, presidential candidate in the Venezuela 2024 elections (Social networks)

  • José Dionisio Brito (PV): deputy who has been accused of links to Chavismo, as he was an opponent of Juan Guaidó in 2020; he was accused of fraud and money laundering in Spain
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

José Brito, presidential candidate in the Venezuela 2024 elections (Social networks)

  • Claudio Fermín (SPV): political scientist who was mayor of Libertador de Caracas in the 1990s, a term for which he was accused of corruption; he also sought the presidency in the Venezuelan elections in 1993, by AD
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

Carlos Fermín, presidential candidate in the Venezuelan elections 2024 (Social networks)

  • Javier Bertucci (El Cambio): Evangelical pastor and founder of the Maranatha Church in Valencia who entered politics in 2018, the year in which he ran for president as an independent candidate
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

Javier Bertucci, presidential candidate in the Venezuela 2024 elections (Social networks)

  • Enrique Márquez (CG): deputy on several occasions and electrical engineer, he is a presidential candidate registered at the last minute by the Centrados party, and is also the former rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE)
Candidates for the presidency of Venezuela

Enrique Márquez, presidential candidate in the Venezuela 2024 elections (Social networks)

  • Nicolás Maduro (PSUV): current president of Venezuela, who promises that, if he wins the Venezuela 2024 elections, he will bring peace and economic growth to the country
Nicolás Maduro confirms resumption of dialogue between Venezuela and the United States

Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela (@NicolasMaduro/X)

Venezuela Elections 2024: This is what you need to know

Las Venezuela 2024 elections are organized by the National Electoral Council and 21 million Venezuelans are expected to vote, 69 thousand of whom will do so from abroad.

The period of regency of the winner of the Venezuela 2024 elections will be 6 yearsfrom 2025 to 2031, elected under the majority principle, which will be achieved through voting machines.

These machines have various programs and will save the digital vote for the count that will be sent to the CNE, the organization that The counting will begin after receiving a certain number of minutes.

The polls will close at 6:00 p.m. and until the last voter in line finishes (and they are open from 6:00 a.m.); the results will be announced. Who won the Venezuela 2024 elections at 2:00 a.m. on Monday, July 29.

2024-07-28 23:08:24

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