Whoa, are you here yet? | Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety

by time news

Advances and advances on the way. Minister of Transport and Road Safety MK Merav Michaeli and the CEO of her office Michal Frank, Together with the VP of Projects at Natibi Ayalon Company, Uzi Levin and other senior officials, today (Thursday) inaugurated the new plus lane in Ayalon North, which will serve as an additional and exclusive lane for public and shared transportation passengers, between the Holon intersection and the Peace Interchange.

The new “Nativ Plus” will allow vehicles with three or three passengers, including the driver, and male and female passengers on public transportation, to skip traffic jams and significantly shorten arrival times in the direction of Tel Aviv-Yafo. The new route is added to the existing routes and creates a continuous preference for public transportation on one of the busiest roads in the country, from the Ayalon entrance to the Shalom interchange.

The new section, which is 4.5 km long, will be added to the existing section, thus completing 15 consecutive km of preference for cooperative transportation, for the intercity public transportation lines to Tel Aviv, and for the free shuttles of the highway parking lot in Shafirim.

The new route was opened with a significant reduction in schedules of over two years in the “Fast Routes” project, which is carried out by the Ayalon Routes company. As you may recall, about a month ago a public transportation route was opened in Ayalon South (20), from the Shalom Interchange to the Wolfson Interchange, which connects to the split between Route 20 and Route 1.

A plus lane is a heavily occupied lane, where traffic is allowed only for public transportation (buses and taxis) and for vehicles carrying more than the number of passengers as stipulated in the regulations: at least 2 or 3 passengers (including the driver). Traveling on the new plus lane that will be opened, will be allowed between the hours of 06:00 in the morning and until 22:00 for public transportation and for vehicles carrying at least 3 passengers (including the driver).

Netiv Plus was opened as part of the “Fast Lanes” project and the “Million Plan”, which was designed to ease congestion on the roads and was unanimously approved by the government about two months ago. As part of the plan, among other things, the Ministry of Transportation will promote priority routes 120 kilometers long in the coming year. This, in order to bring about a change in travel habits and reduce the use of the private car, in favor of traveling by public and cooperative transportation.

Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, MK Merav Michaeli: “I am proud to stand here today and in two years’ advance to inaugurate our new NRT in Ayalon North, the route that turns public and shared transportation passengers into VIPs of road users. After many years of neglect, we place and place public and shared transportation at the top of the pyramid , investing in establishing new and dedicated preferential routes, purchasing buses and upgrading the working conditions of drivers of public transport, because only advanced public and cooperative transport will reduce the number of vehicles on the roads and reduce traffic jams. Ride together, ride public transport – that’s how we’ll get there faster. Have a good trip.”

Director General of the Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety, Michal Frank: “The Ministry of Transportation is consistently and quickly promoting its policy to encourage public and cooperative transportation. Extending the Nativ Plus route to the Peace Interchange makes traveling by public and cooperative transportation even more attractive, and will save the traffic jams at the entrance to Tel Aviv. We, along with our partners at Netiv Eilon, are investing efforts to advance the schedules for the Nativ project The fast ones. We instructed to open any new preference section that is ready for the benefit of female and public transportation passengers, even before the completion of the project.”

Uzi Levin, VP of Entrepreneurial Projects at Natibi Ayalon Company: “Thanks to the hard work of the women and professionals who work around the clock on the busy road in Israel, today we are launching another significant section which is good news for the passengers of the public and shared transportation. The new lane that opened in Ayalon North is a significant milestone in the “Fast Lanes” project that will change within a few years from the end To limit the travel experience of tens of thousands of Israelis who travel to work on the route every day.”

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