Whoever gets pregnant first, loses • LacityMag.it

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It started almost silently in some Baltic countries and then spread towards the West and throughout Europe. It is called Sex Roulette and it consists of a challenge born on social media that is putting many minors at risk. And above all it is worrying those who deal with preventive medicine, psychology and youth education. So much so that today, Thursday 26, an institutional meeting has been organized in Rome that will see the participation of doctors, associations and experts to discuss these trends that represent a real risk. The event was organized by ‘Legal Love‘ and was born from the collaboration between the president of Road to green 2020, Barbara Molinario and the lawyer Marina Condoleo.

A challenge born on social media

And it was precisely the lawyer Condoleo who took the defense of a 14 year old girl who became pregnant after falling victim to this challenge which encouraged having unprotected sex with strangers. A challenge so the winner is the one who has sex without getting pregnant and the loser is the one who gets pregnant. Condoleo, a lawyer from the Road to Green association, met the girl in her role as an educator and trainer in schools.

Sex Roulette That Attracts Young Girls

The challenge was born in the environments of wealthy families of rich millionaires in Belgrade and then quickly spread to Spain and the United Kingdom and recently also landed in Italy. The rules of the game are that whoever loses becomes pregnant. But that’s not all. To increase the adrenaline and increase the danger, the thrill increases if one of the participants is HIV positive. An additional risk because no one knows the identity of the other participants, so no one knows who is positive. The lawyer Condoleo asked his client if the child’s father knew about the pregnancy. And in response, the minor very brazenly said she didn’t even know who the father was. A complete unknown person tracked down on social media to continue the challenge.

How Sex Roulette Works

The girl explained that through some social channels a group of members is formed and parallel chats are created with which the young participants intercept each other. Then they agree on where and when to have a series of sexual intercourses without using a condom. But that’s not enough. According to the lawyer, “The girl was upset not only about being pregnant, but also about having lost the challenge, and considering herself ‘left out’“. Completely unaware of everything that had happened to her, now in her sixth month of pregnancy, the minor regretted above all having lost the challenge and feeling outside the pack.

The young woman decided to keep the baby thanks to her mother

The girl wanted to keep the baby she was carrying thanks also to the help and closeness (late?) of a mother who turned out to be exceptional. The lawyer managed to convince the girl to tell her story to her mother during a difficult meeting and supported by a team of psychologists who revolve around the Road to Green project. “These kids need help“, says the lawyer. Now we go from the absence of childhood sexuality to extreme sexuality, continues Condoleo. “This is because they are captured by the parallel reality of social media where everything physical is alien to them.“They suffer chronically due to the lack of family presence, the lawyer denounces “(…) and therefore they are destined to miss important pieces of their life“.

Not only the suburbs are at risk

From the report of the lawyer and the Association he represents, it emerges that it is no longer just the suburbs that are most at risk. According to theassociation in fact it emerges that in the schools of the center of Rome the problems are even more serious because they are often denied by the family itself. For example? “Let’s talk about nutrition, anorexia. Busy with other things, parents often don’t hear their children’s cry of alarm“.

There is no end to the worst

The Sex Roulette challenge is unfortunately not the only game with a very high level of danger. Other challenges with eloquent names are spreading among teenagers, such as ‘Calippo tour‘ o ‘Chinotto tour‘. Challenges in which girls travel around Italy to have oral sex with strangers, to be filmed and published on various platforms. At the risk of contracting diseases and definitively sinking their fragile self-esteem.

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