Whoever wins the elections, the banks and the Ibex35 will continue to govern. VOTE NULL!

by time news

2023-07-14 23:26:41

Only 24 hours passed since the bad electoral results of the coalition government parties were announced on 28-M until Pedro Sánchez announced the advancement of the General Elections for this July 23.

By Red Stream

This calculated urgency served the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez as a coup de effect to evade self-criticism in the face of the loss of 5 regional governments and more than 400,000 votes in the Municipal elections, in addition to reinforcing the central idea of ​​his electoral campaign and that of those who want to govern next to him: the “useful” vote against the extreme right.

¿Por quIt is advance the extreme right before the government sons progressive in history?

If reality attended to the story of “the government that is changing the country”, there would be no social discontent. But the reality in which we, the working class, live prevails over his discourse, which tries to embellish a social panorama in which only a privileged minority does well.

Despite the self-promotion of being the government that has achieved the lowest inflation in Europe during the month of June (1.9%), we find ourselves with a route that leaves an accumulated inflation of 11.76% since June 2021, so the loss of purchasing power of the working class will continue, since at the end of 2022 wages only rose 2.8% on average. Added to this is the fact that the EU demands to reissue the budgetary stability rules in 2024. Whoever governs will have to adjust the public deficit to 3% (included in the current 2022-2025 Stability Plan sent to Brussels) and face the problem of public debt, which will translate into cuts to all public, including pensions.

Faced with “the milestone” of Yolanda Díaz’s “progressive” Labor Reform, we find ourselves with a labor market where the vast majority of contracts are part-time, leaving miserable wages. A labor market where temporary contracts have been converted into fixed-discontinuous ones to falsify the statistics and where the permanent can be fired just as cheaply as with the Rajoy Reform.

Meanwhile, the energy sector has doubled its profits compared to 2022, the year in which they already broke records, and the Bank earned 5,696 million euros only in the first quarter, 13% more than in the same period of 2022.

They also boast of having approved, already in the last year of their mandate, a Housing Law, which is a total fraud, with an enormous propaganda campaign that does not even It does not even prohibit evictions (during his “social shield” 79,628 were executed and now there are 56,000 open procedures). Pedro Sánchez’s electoral promise to make 50,000 Sareb (“the bad bank”) homes available for the park is not encouraging either. of public housing. In addition to the fact that 1,400,000 more homes would be needed to reach the European average, what is behind the announcement is that the administrations buy some flats that in their day were already rescued with public money, while giving away public land to private companies to to do business building homes “at more affordable prices.” In contrast to the underinvestment in public housing, we find that “the progressive government” approved the largest military budget in history for this year.

Nor did they keep their promises to repeal the Gag Law or close the CIEs…

So, are we facing a hello reactionary?

The explanation for the advance of the extreme right given by the PSOE and those aspiring to form a new coalition with it, is that people are “going to the right” due to infused science, since according to themselves, they could not be doing better.

As we have been explaining, there are many reasons for the impoverished layers of society to move away from “progressive policies”, since these perpetuate and deepen the precariousness of the majority in favor of the bosses. But this distancing is not only to the right: this 28M we have verified that abstention, the white vote and the null vote have won among broad sectors of the most impoverished and precarious working class, who see no use in voting in this democracy to rich, in which the supposed left breaks its promises or does the opposite when it reaches the institutions, while continuing with false speeches. In 104 municipalities that coincide for having the highest levels of unemployment and poverty in the State, abstention has exceeded 50%.


SUMAR is the new umbrella of the institutional left to the left of the PSOE after the debacle of Podemos. His project is not even to redirect the struggles and mobilizations that arose after 15M to the fold of the institutions, as Podemos did. Now it is a matter of channeling the discontent, the fear of the right and the resignation vote, to reissue a new coalition government with the PSOE within the framework of the bourgeois monarchic regime, perpetuating the bipartisanship to which Podemos submitted until its own annihilation.

¿Cfrommo we fight the right and the extreme right?

The right and ultra-right are consolidated in opposition to a supposed left that perpetuates social problems. Without ending the social conditions that allow the strengthening of the right and extreme right, it will continue to be present. A supposed left that ensures the maintenance of social classes and does not propose a break with a monarchical regime heir to Francoism or the purification of the judiciary of Francoist judges, a left that does not provide resources to laws against sexist and LGTBIphobic violence nor does it repeal the Immigration Law, it is a left that will always give political oxygen to the ultra-right.

The most powerful weapon that the working class has is its independent organization, not only against the extreme right, but also against those governments that, in the name of progressivism, apply starvation policies that fan the reactionary flame among the masses that, without a real socialist alternative , they accept the false exit of racism, LGTBIphobia, machismo and Spanishism against the rest of the nationalities of the State.

That is why this 23-J from Corriente Roja we call the null vote, protest vote. Because we are not going to get the measures we need by voting every four years for those who call themselves progressives to end up doing right-wing policies. We have to wrest them from the capitalists and their governments, from the streets, neighborhoods and workplaces. This is the only way to confront the institutional advance of the right and the extreme right, their ideological offensive, the threat and attack on our democratic rights.

Let’s fight the right, the extreme right and all the capitalist governments with a fight program by:

Decent wages, due to its mandatory and automatic updating according to the CPI

The fight against unemployment: reduce the working day without reducing the salary

the repeal of the Labor Reforms of 2010, 2012 and 2021

The rregularization of the undocumented immigrant population in state territory

A Healing; Education and pensions 100% púwar

Andún eviction without adequate housing alternative, for a park púpublic housing for social rent, expropriating the empty flatsinin the hands of Sareb and the Bank

Expropriation of the strategic sectors of the economywent for a planningn econfrommica serving social needs and environmental sustainability. Bank expropriation and credit systemstate dito for that purpose

Agrarian Reform: expropriate the large estates so that they can be collectively exploited by the agricultural workersintails, under criteria of environmental sustainability

For the right of self-determination of the peoples! Binding referendum to be able to choose between Monarchinoh República! For a unionNo Rep FreeúSocialist Publications IbIt isrich!

¡It hass resources for preventionón, attention and protection against racism, machismo, transphobia and lgtbiphobia! No to debt payment: we will not pay your speculation with our Public Services!!

Urgent measures against climate change! Resources to protect the population from the immediate effects of global warming and economic reconversion by and for the social majority, no to polluting production for capitalist profit!

Out with the EU and the Euro! For a socialist Europe of the workers and the peoples.

#wins #elections #banks #Ibex35 #continue #govern #VOTE #NULL

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