Why am I bleeding? Runner’s Hematuria

by time news

2024-07-23 08:39:36

Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urineand it can be:

  • Macroscopic: blood in the urine is appear a simple Vista and can be red or brown. Sometimes clots can be seen in the blood.
  • Wireless: blood can only be seen with a microscope. A urine test will usually detect the presence of blood.

Urine is red, pink because of the presence of red blood cellsbecause the kidneys or urine do not filter the blood cells.

Hematuria is due to: infections, injuries to the kidneys, kidney stones, injuries to the urine, saliva or genitals, tumor causes … and in many cases it can also be due to blood clots caused by a medicine.

  • However, hematuria also It can be caused by personal changes or through exerciseeither contact or intense and / or long-term exercise.

If you are a runner, you have probably witnessed this fact at some point, and in this article, we explain What are the causes and how to prevent it if it is due to vigorous exercise.

Causes of Hematuria in athletes

Vigorous physical activity, as well as contact sports, can cause some changes in the body, and especially the Urinary incontinence.

Through a blood test, Even in healthy but athletic people, the results appear outside of the reference values ​​after exercising, long-term physical exercise (for example: after a marathon).

In many cases, the Images are transitory, these changes last only a few days. However, it is necessary and advisable to consult a doctor and see if it corresponds to a disease or other pathology.

We can make a difference Types of Hematuria:

  1. Trauma: Due to repetitive impacts causing microtraumas in the kidneys/muscular organs.
  2. Non-harmful: Due to infections, stress factors, dehydration.

Both systems are affected by the duration and intensity of exercise.

The effect of repetition

The main cause of these urinary disorders is changes in renal hemodynamics causing a decrease in renal blood flow in favor of active muscle and heart.

We talk about hematuria injurywhen there is a repeated impact of the back wall of the bladder against its base, causing muscle injuries and, therefore, hematuria.

emotional stress

Emotional stress can increase blood pressure and affect kidney function, which can cause it leakage of red blood into the urine. Although less common than other causes, it is important to properly deal with and manage stress to prevent these types of symptoms.


It occurs when dehydration reduces plasma volume, increasing blood concentration and causing damage to the kidneys or bladder. This injury can cause red blood cells to appear in the urine.

It is important to stay well hydrated during exercise to prevent this condition.

Why am I bleeding?  Runner’s Hematuria

It should be noted that sports hematuria is different from other conditions that can cause a red reaction of the urine due to physical exercise, such as hemoglobinuria gait and exercise myoglobinuria.

In these last 2 disorders there is an excess of hemoglobin and myoglobin molecules in the urine and not whole blood or red blood cells. Sports hematuria often has poor self-determination. However, coexisting pathologies of the urinary tract should be carefully excluded.

Symptoms of hematuria in athletes

According to information, the first symptom is the appearance of pink or red urine after strenuous physical exercise, long-term tests.

In the normal case, this situation takes several hours to two days.

If this condition persists, pain and discomfort when urinating, you should contact your doctor. the doctor specialist to analyze another reason causing this persistent hematuria.

How long does hematuria last?

In general, hematuria in the urine after exercise usually occurs after 48 hours.

In a study conducted on 14 runners to evaluate the duration, frequency and intensity of hematuria after a race, it was concluded that urinary changes They are very common in endurance sports, being passive in nature.. In 13 of the 14 athletes under the study, it was observed that the sediments disappeared 24 hours after exercise.

What is the best way to prevent this problem?

Prevention of hematuria, especially in athletes and active people, with general and specific measures based on the causes:

Rinse well

In the specific case of runner hematuria, take into account the the importance of fluid balance for optimal performance of all systems before, during and after exerciseThe most important thing is good hydration.

We must keep the kidney clean, avoid the appearance of stones and stones, and given that exercise and / or long-term exercise already with physiological stress, it is important to be well hydrated during exercise to get be free to: maintain water balance, resist the loss of salts and electrolytes secreted through sweat, and good functioning of the renal system that filters waste caused by exercise.

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Wear sports shoes

As we have seen, micro-trauma caused by improper footwear and eye contact can also cause hematuria.

Therefore, it is advisable that you do your training with the right shoes well protect the soles of your feet from strong forces, as well as alternating training surfaces. Try to alternate your sessions on asphalt with dirt roads or soft ground.

Respect the rest

Remember that learning activities and improvements occur when we rest; therefore, Rest and active recovery are important so that the organic system is restored and all types of toxins and waste caused by exercise can be eliminated.

It can include manual massages to promote circulation and blood circulation, eat healthily, avoid processed foods that inhibit healing processes, and drink water regularly to cleanse the kidneys.

Consult a doctor

If there is blood in the urine or discomfort during urination, as well as blood clots, appear after several days and continue, Go to the doctor to analyze the causes and/or possible kidney condition or disease.

Taking these measures can help significantly reduce the risk of hematuria in both athletes and the general population.

Bibliographic references

  1. Abarbanel, J et al. “Exercise hematuria.” Journal of Urology vol. 143.5 (1990): 887-90. doi:10.1016/s0022-5347(17)40125-x
  2. W. Collier. “Performance albunuria in athletes.” Br Med J, 1 (1907), pp. 4-6
  3. J. Manzanares. Definition of urine base in athlete. Journal of Family Medicine, Elsevier Vol.41.Num.7. Pages 387-390 (October 2025), DOI: 10.1016/j.semerg.2014.07.013
  4. M. Pérez Ruiz, J: L Chicharro and others. “Urinary abnormalities in long distance runners”, Sports Medicine Archives: Spanish Sports Journal, Vol.

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