What is the perspective of an infertility hospital looking at South Korea, which is experiencing an era of ultra-low birth rates with a total fertility rate of 0.72? To the young women of this era who are living fiercely in the present and have no time to think about future children, Dr. Lee Jae-eun of Songpa Maria (Maria Plus) says, “Let’s save the present.”
Maria Hospital, a world-renowned infertility center, will be operating Korea’s first egg freezing pop-up store, ‘Now Storage’, in Seongsu-dong from the 8th to the 25th.
At a media day held to commemorate the opening of the pop-up store on the 8th, Dr. Lee Jae-eun said, “We created an experiential pop-up store to provide young women who do not have time to think about future childbirth due to their busy lives with the option to have children when they want.”
Dr. Lee Jae-eun explained, “We live in an era where the total fertility rate is 0.72, but ironically, many people visit infertility hospitals like Maria Hospital to have children. The age of marriage and childbirth is also increasing every year. According to 2022 statistics from Statistics Korea, the average age of first marriage for men is 34, and for women, it is 31.5 years old. Naturally, the average age of first childbirth is 32.8 years old.” He said, “Older couples are naturally at risk of infertility. When the maximum pregnancy rate for those aged 20 to 24 is considered 100%, the maximum pregnancy rate for those aged 40 to 44 is less than half, and the miscarriage rate soars from 20% to 40%.”
The number of patients undergoing infertility treatment is also increasing every year. Dr. Lee Jae-eun said, “The average age of patients visiting Maria Hospital is also increasing. As of 2023, the average age of first-time patients will be 35.6 years old.” “That is why we want to convey the importance of preserving the current fertility while being young and healthy through the experience corner of this pop-up store and inform the concept of egg and embryo freezing,” he explained.
In particular, he emphasized that the infertility hospital opened a pop-up store to prevent infertility, saying, “It is to help young people deal with infertility problems in advance before they occur,” and “Through this, we hope to support more people to have healthy pregnancies and give birth.”
Maria Hospital plans to continue to provide opportunities for women to expand positive awareness of pregnancy and childbirth through various events in the future.
Meanwhile, the ‘Now Storage’ pop-up store is composed of various spaces and events, providing visitors with unique fun and useful information. This pop-up store is open to anyone without a separate reservation, and is open from 12 PM to 8 PM on weekdays, and from 11 AM to 8 PM on Liberation Day (August 15) and weekends.
Reporter Yong-Seok Choi, Donga.com [email protected]
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2024-08-14 22:28:54