Why can the death of a Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike set the Middle East on fire?

by time news

2023-05-02 13:48:37

There are thousands of people without being able to move, but they are able to provoke the uprising of an entire town. The hundreds of Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons are a key element of Palestinian society. The population sees them as national heroes, actors who must to protect whether you like it or not. Many are political leaders, such as Marwan Barghouti of Fatah who, for years, has been a direct rival of the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. But many of the prisoners are civilians without much of a political background. Still, any perceived threat against the Palestinian prison population can trigger tensions and violence in all territories.

Therefore, the recent death of Jader Adnanmember of Islamic Jihad that will succumb to lazy family after 86 dieshas triggered all alerts on both sides of the Green Line. Israel sees Palestinian prisoners like Adnan as a security threats accused of participating in deadly attacks and conspiracies. In his case, he was arrested in February on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist group, support of a terrorist organization and incitement. The relevance of the prisoners in the Palestinian society has motivated Israel to accede to their demands to release them, reduce their sentences and improve their living conditions behind bars after organizing hunger strikes.

“Price to pay”

“The lazy family always has been the strategic option of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons”, he explained a few weeks ago Mussa’ab Bashir, journalist and former political prisoner, in ‘EL PERIÓDICO’ after the call for a massive hunger strike. “The success of hunger strikes has always been correlated with Palestinian political situation out of prisons,” Bashir recalled. And this time the failure of the hunger strike comes at one of the most tense moments in recent decades. More than 100 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank occupied by the Israeli Army since the beginning of the year, while 19 Israelis have died in attacks allegedly perpetrated by Palestinians.

Hours after Adnan’s death, three rockets have been launched from the Gaza Strip. And although the wife of the deceased, Adnan’s widow, has stated that neither she nor her family want any response to the death, Palestinian militias often act freely. “We don’t want rockets fired and, in return, it is bombardegi Gaza», he told the media in front of his house in the occupied West Bank. “Now, after his death and all the sacrifices he made, we don’t want him to be lost not a drop of blood”, he added. The groups considered terrorists by Israel have responded that this is the “price to pay” for the Hebrew State. The Israeli defense establishment was preparing for one possible escalation of violence in the wake of Adnan’s death, including possible prison riots.

Under control of Ben-Gvir

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In addition, the situation for the Palestinian prisoners it has gotten worse in recent months. The death of Adnan takes place in Israel directed by Right-wing government of his history. Palestinian prisons and prisoners are overseen by the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gviran ultranationalist who has tightened restrictions to prisoners, including reducing shower time and closing bakeries in prison. There are currently more than 1,000 Palestinians without charges nor trial behind bars, the highest number since 2003, according to the Israeli human rights group HaMoked. Meanwhile, on the ground in the occupied territories, to the violence of the Israeli Army is added the increasing aggression of the thousands of colons who attack with impunity before the inactive gaze of the soldiers.

After one of the most tense Ramadans in years, the Palestinian population try to respond with the few weapons at your disposal. Citizens have called one general lazy in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem in response to Adnan’s death, and protests are expected. In addition, recent months have arisen among the youth new militant groups who are leading the attacks against Israelis inside and outside the occupied territories. Faced with an even bloodier escalation of violence, these young armed men are calling for a third intifada, with nothing left to lose.

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