Why Can’t I Finish Chores? Understanding Procrastination and Overcoming Laziness

by time news

2023-07-08 04:48:43
New Study Reveals Laziness is Not the Cause of Procrastination

Feeling lazy and unable to complete tasks? You may be quick to blame your laziness, but a recent study suggests that laziness is not the root cause of procrastination. Psychologist Jenny Yip explains that laziness is simply the absence of desire or motivation to accomplish a task, whereas procrastination involves actively thinking about the task without actually taking action. This distinction makes it challenging to overcome procrastination.

According to experts, understanding the cause of procrastination and learning how to combat it are the only ways to change this behavior. Psychologist Linda Sabadin highlights different types of procrastination, such as the perfectionist, the dreamer, the anxious, and the challenger. While these types are not clinically diagnosed or supported by research, they offer psychological reasons that may contribute to increased procrastination.

Procrastination can have serious consequences, including the failure to complete work or achieve personal goals. Additionally, studies have shown that it can have negative emotional and mental effects, including depression, anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, and insufficient physical activity. A research study conducted among over 3,500 university students confirmed these findings.

Psychologist Fara Saripalli emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in understanding why one procrastinates. However, self-awareness alone is not enough to break the habit. Saripalli suggests implementing strategies to overcome procrastination, such as avoiding excessive self-doubt, setting specific deadlines, and adhering to them.

Different individuals may require different approaches to combating procrastination. Some may benefit from deep intervention to address the underlying issues contributing to their procrastination, while others may simply need motivation and a boost in self-confidence. In such cases, seeking assistance from a specialized professional can be beneficial.

Understanding that laziness is not the cause of procrastination allows individuals to approach the issue from a different perspective. By identifying the reasons behind their procrastination and adopting effective strategies, individuals can overcome this common challenge and accomplish their goals more efficiently.]
#Laziness #among #them.. #real #reasons #procrastination

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